    关键词  文化翻译观  弟子规  翻译策略  礼仪文化
    Title   Translation Strategies of Chinese Etiquette Culture in Ti Tzu Kui  from the Perspective of Cultural Translation Theory
    Chinese classic works contain abundant cultural elements. Their English versions are of importance to convey Chinese tradition in culture communication. An English version should present the source text’s cultural factors, which is a criterion of a good English version. From the perspective of Cultural Translation Theory, classic work translation should be moved from the pure language behavior up to the culture level.
    Ti Tzu Kui is one of the traditional textbooks for enlightenment in ancient China. Ti Tzu Kui is easy and rhymed to read, without abstruse philosophy but the key etiquette culture in Chinese culture. In recent years, Ti Tzu Kui is taken as a textbook in Confucius College and a primer of Chinese language. It becomes popular among Chinese lovers in foreign countries, and an important book to promote Chinese traditional culture. Therefore, it is of practical significance to do research on translation of ritual culture in Ti Tzu Kui.
    In this paper applies Cultural Translation Theory to compare two English versions of Ti Tzu Kui from the perspective of cultivating etiquette culture, and analyzes their differences in translation strategies.
    Chinese classic work translation involves translation of culture-loaded words. During the translation, translators commonly use Literal Translation, Free Translation and Foreignization to retain the features of source texts. Apart from culture-loaded words, language styles and characteristics of source texts should be considered, too. In comparison of Gu-Version and Guo-Version, they both have their advantages.
    Keywords  Cultural Translation Theory  Ti Tzu Kui  translation strategies  etiquette culture
     Table of Contents
    1   Introduction.1
    1.1   Research Background.1
    1.2   Research Objective.1
    1.3   Research Significance2
    2   Literature Review2
    2.1   Bassnett's Cultural Translation Theory.2
    2.1.1  Definition and Main Points2
    2.1.2  Current Studies of Cultural Translation Theory.3
    2.2    Current Studies of Chinese Classic Work Translation3
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