
    3   Comparative Analysis of Translation Strategies in Ti Tzu Kui4
    3.1    About the Two Versions    .4
    3.2    Content analysis of Ti Tzu Kui.4
    3.3    Comparative Analysis of Ritual Cultural Translation Strategies4
    3.3.1  Translation Strategies about Contents Related to the Treatment to Parents.4
    3.3.2  Translation Strategies about Contents Related to the Treatment to peers6
    3.3.3  Translation Strategies about Contents Related to How to Behave Oneself7 Analysis of How to Cultivate One’s Moral Characters7 Analysis of Learning Knowledge to Improve Oneself.8
    3.3.4  Summary.8
    4   Conclusion9
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    China is now in an era of introducing her own culture to the rest of the world. In this process, Chinese classic works, which contain abundant cultural elements, become a vital part of “exporting” materials. This lays greater responsibility on the translation of Chinese classic works.
    Translation is not a simple conversion between languages, but involves a much complicated exchange between cultures. In recent years, more and more scholars are aware of the importance of cultural elements in translating process. Whether an English version can present the primary cultural features becomes a significant factor to evaluate the translated version. It is especially true for the translating of classic works because of the abundant cultural information they contain. Among all the theories and researches concerning cultural translation, Bassnett's Cultural Translation Theory is the most frequently quoted one.
    Bassnett (1980) put forward that translation is the conversion between cultures. Translation should equal the source text and the target text. In other words, translation is not a simple behavior of language but depends on culture.
        One of the classic works, Ti Tzu Kui is an important masterpiece about Chinese traditional ritual culture. Ti Tzu Kui contains important Chinese ritual culture, rather than complicated philosophy. Ritual culture roots in daily life, every person’s thoughts, behaviors. The English versions of Ti Tzu Kui are introduced to people abroad as a beginning-stage reading material of Chinese. Therefore, the translation quality of Ti Tzu Kui matters a lot. It will help foreigners foster their preliminary impression of Chinese ritual culture and tradition.
    The thesis tries to analyze the translation strategies of ritual cultural related content in Ti Tzu Kui from the perspective of Cultural Translation Theory. It will be done by a comparision between the two English versions, one by Gu Danke and the other by Guo Zhuzhang.

    1.2 Research Objective
    Ti Tzu Kui is a famous and an ABC book for teaching children how to communicate and get along with others politely. The book roots in Analects of Confucius, which is a masterpiece of Chinese traditional civilization. Ti Tzu Kui contains a lot of operative norm for young generation to follow, including how to talk with senior people like parents and grand-parents, and how to talk with those of the same generations as well.
    This thesis chooses two published English version of Ti Tzu Kui and tries to compare and analyze their translation strategies on ritual culture related contents. Then a conclusion on translation strategies on ritual culture is followed.
    1.3 Research Significance
    More and more foreigners are now interested in China and Chinese culture. They learn Chinese and travel to our country. Many Confucius College are set up to broadcast Chinese culture. Ti Tzu Kui, as a masterpiece of traditional culture, can help foreigners to learn the roots or basic rules of Chinese filial duty and respect. Therefore, making the translation fully or nearly conform to the cultural background matters. By comparing the translation strategies in the two English versions of Ti Tzu Kui, commonly used strategies are summarized and evaluated in the hope of providing suggestive advice to cultural translation.
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