During this process, many researchers have found that in second language acquisition, complexity, accuracy, and fluency are three traits in language learner’s production. In aspect of complexity, both syntactic complexity and lexical complexity need to be concerned. When studying syntactic complexity, overall complexity, subordination complexity and phrasal complexity are three major aspect (Norris & Ortega, 2009). Since the 1970s, many indexes have been found to measure syntactic complexity involving unit length, clause density (coordination and subordination), syntactic structures and so on. Wolfe-Quintero, Inagaski and Kim (1998) summarized former studies. They concluded some best ways to measure syntactic complexity: the T-unit complexity ratio and dependent clause ratio, based on which, many researchers have developed more effective ways to measure syntactic complexity.
1.2 Purpose of this study
Argumentative writing tests both thinking pattern and language proficiency of second language learners, so it is a must in many English tests like IELTS. This study focuses on the difference of syntactic complexity of argumentative writings written by college students with different English levels. It is designed for finding the difference of syntactic complexity of students with different English proficiency in three syntactic complexity levels. The analysis will be carried on in three aspects: overall complexity, subordination complexity and phrasal complexity. Hopefully, this study can provide modern English teaching with useful suggestions to improve second language acquisition.
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