    Abstract The market for female consumers is very large and full of potential, which has become the focus of the retail industry. Social status and economic strength of Chinese women are growing. That’s to say, if supermarket chains were able to grasp the needs of this group, they would be able to obtain great wealth. Women always pursue beauty and show off in daily life. What’s more, they are easily affected by herd mentality. Due to these unique psychologies, women are prone to be involved in impulse buying when buying cosmetics, so it is important for supermarkets to attract female consumers by making full use of this feature of women.32092
    Until now, previous researches on impulse buying mostly focused on the characteristics and definition of impulse buying behavior, and the influence of specific factors on impulse buying. However, researches on the relationship between promotional strategies and impulse buying behavior in women are still very little, and related empirical research too. Since stimulated by promotional strategies, female consumers of different age have different behavioral response. Therefore, it has real sense to study on the influence of supermarkets’ promotional strategies of cosmetics on impulse buying behavior in women of different age.
    Young consumers always pursue fashion and novelty and focus on showing their own beauty and young mentality when shopping. Creative advertisement can easily grab their attention, leading to their impulse buying. And to some extent, discounts do attract them, but they are not the most important factors that contribute to their purchase. A majority of middle-aged women need to take care of family, so cheap and endurable are their primary concern when shopping. On the basis of same quality, the promotions of discount or free gifts largely meet their demand and have the best sales effects. When it comes to elderly women, their pursuit of beauty is as much as young women, and they pay more attention to the safety and effects of products. Blindly discounts are not the best means to attract elderly women, while live demonstration can increase their participation and enhance their understanding of the products. At the same time, it can also make use of the persuasion of marketing staff to stimulate impulse buying intention of elderly women.
    Key Words: female consumer     supermarket chains     cosmetics      promotional strategies     impulse buying behavior
    摘 要女性市场已逐渐成为一个非常庞大且富有潜力的市场,并日益成为零售行业的关注的重点。中国女性的社会地位和经济实力正与日俱增,连锁超市只要能把握这一群体的需求,就能获得巨大的财富。由于女性特有的爱美,攀比,从众等消费心理,女性在购买化妆品时冲动性购买行为占很大比例,如何合理利用这一特征提高产品销量,成为企业得到女性消费者青睐的突破口。
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