
    Due to the different values between China and western countries, the graduates hold different career goals. It can be seen that the Chinese graduates are more utilitarian, and they care more about external factors. These benefits can make them ignore their mental needs. Compared with Chinese graduates, the American graduates can gain the self-approval on their efforts. When the graduates are setting an occupational goal, the Americans would like to take it easy.

    2.2 Occupational Status
    Because of a fundamental difference on career concept, Chinese and American graduates have different occupational status. In China, after graduation many graduates haven’t any idea what kinds of job they should choose. They always picture an ideal career, so when they go into the society they can’t accept the social reality. However, the American graduates always make a long-term career plan. They contact the current society earlier, so they have made a full preparation when they are university students.

    According to Murphys’ research (2005:30) in Cambridge University, when the college students are going to the society, their occupational status has the following characteristics: Firstly, their ability of independence is very strong. They do not depend on their parents or families from 18 years old. They often do some part-time jobs to meet their consuming requirements. Even many students from rich families also do part-time jobs. Under this environment, after they graduate they will be independent just like an adult. Secondly, they have strong capability to accommodate in a market economy. The children in America begin to manage finance when they are young, which teach children deeply understand that it is not easy to earn money, and help them to form a good habit. Thirdly, they have the abilities to adapt social environments, because they have experienced the life through their own work. Many teenagers in America are not afraid of bitterness and have the perseverance of overcoming difficulties. They can face difficulties calmly and live harmoniously with people around them, and they also have the confidence and courage of being independent as a member of the society. These qualities and skills form the foundation of their future life and work. 
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