    摘 要诗歌翻译文学翻译的一种,也是文学翻译中最难的部分。针对诗歌的“不可译论”,许渊冲先生提出的“三美论”给诗歌翻译提供了重要的标准。翻译诗歌时,既要忠实于原文的意美、音美和形美,又要准确传达作者的思想感情。本文以陆游词《钗头凤》两个英译文本为例,采用对比分析法,分析了两种版本各自的优缺点,以及产生这种翻译差异的文化背景。最后讨论 “三美论”在汉诗英译中所表达的艺术效果以及在今后的翻译、学习和实践过程中的注意事项及努力方向。33299
    Abstract Poetry translation is a part of literary translation, and is also the most difficult part. In view of the “non-translatability of poetry”, Mr. Xu Yuanchong puts forward the theory of "Three Beauties", which provides an important criterion for poetry translation. In the process of poetry translation, the translator must be faithful not only to the beauty in sense, beauty in sound and beauty in form, but also accurately convey the poet's thoughts and feelings. This paper uses two English versions of Chaitoufeng, written by Lu You, as an example to comparatively analyze the artistic effect that the theory of “Three Beauties” expressed in English translation of Chinese poems. It also discusses the different background which causes the persity and gives some suggestions on our future translation learning and where should be paid attention to.
     Key words: English study; “Three Beauties”; Chaitoufeng
    A Comparative Analysis of Two English Versions of Chaitoufeng
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Background of the Poem    1
    2.1 An Introduction to Lu You    1
    2.2 An Introduction to “Chaitoufeng”    3
    Ⅲ. Differences of Two English Versions    6
    3.1 Reproduction of Beauty in Sense    6
    3.2 Reproduction of Beauty in Sound    8
    3.3 Reproduction of Beauty in Form    9
    Ⅳ. Conclusion    10
    Bibliography    12
    Acknowledgments    13
    I. Introduction
    Since twenty-first Century, the theoretical research on English translation of Chinese poetry gradually had trended to systematize, and begun to build theoretical system. Over the decades,the theories have gained profound development. However, there are still series of problems in the theory of poetry translation,  as it is lack of macro guidance, lack of organization, and lack of planning etc, so the theoretical research on English translation of Chinese poetry still has a long way to go.
    It is argued that some translation theories or criteria put forward by some translators are not so perfect and comprehensive. Because of that, it picks up a theory of poetry translation, the theory of “Three Beauties”, proposed by Xu Yuanchong, to finish this paper. As we all know, poetry must have two elements: form and spirit. So do English versions of poetry. “Three Beauties” include beauty in sound, beauty in sense, and beauty in form. They are the perfect combination of “form” and “spirit”. So the theory is used to comparatively analyze the English versions of Chaitoufeng. Chaitoufeng is a masterpiece of Lu You, who was a famous poet in Song dynasty. Lu You wrote it to commemorate his ex-wife, they loved each other deeply, but his wife displeased his mother and they were compelled to porce. This poem expresses Lu You’s agony and hate and their love tragedy that touches us even till today.
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