
    McEwan realizes a transition from the crisis of a purely ethical darkness of human nature to the crisis of morality. It can be found from Atonement that it condemns social morality and human contradictions, and demonstrates a humanity self-redemption.

    2. Causes of the Crime
    Because of Briony’s lie against Robbie, three people’s lives were destroyed. The process of her crime seems simple, but it is actually the comprehensive result of a variety of reasons. Briony does not figure out the fact, wrongs Robbie, which causes a series of tragedy. All these are just crime on the surface, in fact, Briony has violated the rule of humanity and morality, and that is the aim of the novel, the message that the author wants to convey. This thesis analyzes the reasons of Briony’s crime from three aspects: The emergence of various conflicts; The degeneration of humanity and social morality caused by conflicts; Psychological effects of Briony’s crime.  In general, Briony’s crime is an example of the phenomenon in the early twentieth century Britain, when wars, conflicts between social classes, notion of free love, and youth were all woven together.

    In fact, Briony’s crime cannot be separated from the social environment at that time. It is the war that leads to the tragic fate of the three people. In fact, if there had been no war at that time, Briony’s mistake would not have led to the irreparable result in which Robbie and Cecilia died. On the other hand, Briony’s crime, in fact, is caused by the social environment. The prevailing social morality at that time requires that families of high statue must hold conservative attitude, and  must be separated from the lower statue. Such a value does not only do harm to Briony, but also Cecilia, since she does not stand up to protect their love when Robbie is arrested, thus making all the three victims.

    2.1 The Existence of Various Conflicts
    The difference in class is the biggest and insurmountable gap. Briony’s father is a senior civil servants in British government with a high social status, but the hero Robbie is the son of a servant, though he is excellent, the same as heroine Cecilia. Cecilia is the eldest daughter in Tallis family, and Briony is the youngest daughter. Cecilia and Briony accept different education and they live in different situaitions. Robbie—a son of servant, live in different atmosphere, though he accepts good education as Cecilia. After all, he has an embarrassing identity, and he has accepted help of Tallis. They – the Tallis and Robbie have absolute difference in class. This must be a fundamental reason for the tragedy.

    The conflict between Briony inner world for her sister’s protection and the consience is another factor for Briony’s crime. Briony depends on her sister because she regards her sister as her example. To protect her sister has become her responsibility. At the same time, she obeys her consience—she does not witness the scene of Roby’s crime, but Briony charges rape on Roby. There is another reason—Briony falls in love with Robbie. According to Freud's theory, her love for Robbie does not completely eliminate. It only exists in an unconscious state. She has a kind of conscious that since I cannot get it, I will destroy it.This is another important reason for Briony’s crime.
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