    Abstract Along with the network popularization, food industry is becoming increasingly information-oriented. Food-ordering application has emerged at this moment. It is well received by consumers, especially the students for its convenience and flexibility. But Food-ordering applications in China are still at the earlier stage of development. Compared to western countries’ applications, there are many deficiencies and limitations which cannot attract consumers to repurchase.34690
    The success of Food-ordering application is closely relevant to customer satisfaction. In Xuzhou, several Food-ordering applications are competing fiercely for market share. As a professional platform, Meituan Waimai Application, continually seeks to improve the quality of its services to obtain higher customer repeat purchase rate. The thesis will examine current situation of Meituan Waimai Application by analyzing Xuzhou college students’ customer satisfaction with its service. The thesis will provide some favorable reference for its development.
    Guided by ECSI, questionnaire is designed and sent out. The data are analyzed based on several basic elements including price, special offer, the amount of franchisee, food quality, meal delivery service and customer service. At last, the thesis provides three suggestions: (1)enhance supervision (2) guarantee meal delivery speed (3)ensure food persity and price differentiation.
    Key Words: Meituan Waimai Application     Customer Satisfaction     ECSI
     摘  要由于网络的普及,餐饮行业朝着信息化方向发展,订餐软件应运而生。它因其方便性和灵活性是深受消费者,尤其是学生的好评。然而中国的订餐应用软件仍处于发展的早期阶段,相比国外的订餐应用软件,有很多的不足和局限性,不能吸引消费者再次消费。
    毕业论文关键词: 美团外卖软件     顾客满意度     欧洲顾客满意度指数
    Abstract    i
    摘要    ii
    Chapter One  Introduction    1
    1.1 Research Background    1
    1.2 Significance and purpose    1
    1.3 Methodology    2
    Chapter Two  Literature Review    3
    2.1 Customer Satisfaction    3
    2.1.1The definition of Customer Satisfaction    3
    2.1.2 Customer Satisfaction Index    4
        2.2 Previous researches on E-commence Software.6
    Chapter Three  The questionnaire based on ECSI    8
    3.1 Pre-questionnaire research    8
    3.2 The design of the questionnaire    8
    3.3 The issuance and the callback of the questionnaire    8
    Chapter Four  Data & Analysis    10
    4.1 The data of the questionnaire    10
    4.2 Analysis Based on ECSI    12
    4.3 Suggestions    15
    Chapter Five  Conclusion    18
    References    19
    Appendix    21
    A Study of Customer Satisfaction of Meituan Waimai Application Among College Students in Xuzhou
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