
    Abstract Assessment as a tool of English teaching exerts a great influence on English teaching. Formative assessment emphasizes teaching process, which uses many kinds of ways to evaluate the education and it is an important way to reform the traditional teaching model. Autonomous learning emphasizes the idea of ‘student-center’ which it is totally different from the traditional idea and mode of education. Therefore, formative assessment has a great significance to improve students’ leaner autonomy.59083

    This thesis begins with the definition of formative assessment and autonomous learning and reviewing related literature. Next, by stating the effect of formative assessment to learning capacity, the thesis introduces the necessity to have formative assessment in college students’ English learning. And then, from the study of the favorable conditions of college students’ learning, the author suggests it can use the ways of shifting the roles of teachers and students, equipping students with appropriate learning strategies, enhancing students’ learning motivations, helping students carry out self-assessment in their learning process, strengthening the cooperative learning and creating autonomous learning environment cultivate students’ autonomous learning abilities.

    Keywords: formative assessment; autonomous learning; learning strategies; self-assessment; learning motivation





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 The Definition of Formative Assessment 1

    2.2 Studies of Formative Assessment at Home and Abroad 2

    2.3 The Definition of Autonomous Learning 3

    2.4 Studies of Autonomous Learning at Home and Abroad 4

    2.5 The Relationships between Formative Assessment and Autonomous Learning 4

    3. The Favorable Conditions of College Students’ Learning 6

    3.1 The Age Characteristics of College Students 6

    3.2 Adequate Extracurriculum Time 6

    3.3 Ample Study Resources 7

    4. The Ways to Enhance Autonomous Learning 7

    4.1 Changing the Traditional Roles of Teachers 7

    4.2 Emphasizing the Principal Status of College Students 8

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