
    Abstract Assessment plays an important part in English teaching. The New English Curriculum in 2001 pointed out that “ In English teaching process, formative assessment should be used as the main assessment.Teachers should pay more attention to developing and motivating students’ learning enthusiasm and confidence ” , while there are few applications of formative assessment in primary school. Formative assessment transforms students from accepting assessment passively to being main body and active participants of assessment, which is beneficial to enhance students’ learning interests. In view of the facts, in the study, the author tries to relate theory with practice and takes ticking time section of primary school English materials as an example to illustrate the application of formative assessment in practice. There are several principles of applying formative assessment to primary school English teaching at the end of the thesis, which are aimed at enhancing students’ interest and initiative in English learning and improving their competence of applying language learning. Meanwhile, it is hoped that the thesis can make teachers and students realize the importance of ticking time section teaching, make full use of the advantages of formative assessment and activate the students’ enthusiasm of English learning.60846

    Key words: formative assessment; primary school; ticking time section

    摘要评价是英语教学的重要组成部分。2001年版英语新课程标准中指出“在英语教学过程中应以形成性评价为主,注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心”,而目前在小学阶段关于形成性评价的应用还很有限。形成性评价促进学生从被动接受评价转变为评价的主体和积极参与者,有利于提高其学习兴趣。本文通过理论联系实际,并以小学英语教材ticking time板块的教学为例,具体说明形成性评价在实践教学中的应用。文章最后提出了小学英语教学中应用形成性评价的原则,旨在提高学生英语学习的兴趣和主动性,进而提高其语言学习的应用能力。同时也期望广大师生能重视ticking time板块的教学,更好地运用形成性评价的优势,激发学生学习英语的积极性。

    毕业论文关键词:形成性评价;小学;ticking time板块

    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Criteria of Formative Assessment 5

    3.1 Language Knowledge 5

    3.2 Language Skills 6

    3.3 Emotional Attitude 7

    3.4 Cooperative Spirit 7

    3.5 Independent Learning Ability 8

    4. Effective Teaching of Ticking Time 8

    4.1 Adjustment and Guidance 9

    4.2 Dissection and Integration 9

    4.3 Standard Set and Promotion 10

    4.4 Dimensional Expansion and Diversity 12

    5. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 14

    1. Introduction 

    From ancient to modern time, people consider assessment as a result, in other words, the end, which is common but not scientific. According to Education Assessment and Census, a book wrote by Zhou Qian, it says “No assessment, no education; no scientific assessment, no efficient education; no scientific assessment which involves advanced technology, no modernized education.” From which people can notice that assessment plays an indispensable role in education. According to Benjamin Bloom,formative assessment is not only an important way to improve teaching, get good learning results,and then form a good teaching plan,but also an important way to improve students’ learning strategies and develop their learning talents.Paul Black and Dylan William’s research also shows that formative assessment can improve learning. It interprets that broadly assessment including information gathered by teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning activities can be used to diagnose and adjust next teaching and learning activities (Sun Li,2012: 5).Therefore,in this study, the writer tries to put formative assessment to English teaching and tries to find some good ways of evaluation to improve English teaching and students’ learning ability.

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