
    The traditional assessment for teaching and learning is summative assessment.It focuses on the results while ignores the learning process,focuses on knowledge learning while ignores students’ inpidual characters.The main function of it is to select top students.The newly promulgated English Curriculum Criterion formulated by Ministry of Education in 2002 demands that teachers should take formative assessment as the main assessment.At present,the new curriculum reform is being carried out in the basic education.The basic Education Curriculum Reform (trial) pointed out the need to establish a comprehensive development of evaluation system for students.In the past,the aim of  evaluation is to choose and select top students.In the New Reform of Basic Curriculum,it emphasizes that we should establish an assessment system,which can accelerate improvement of each student,help them became self-confidence,and foster creativity and development of potential in the process of helping students recognize themselves and understand the requirements of the development.And the teaching activities,the development of evaluation and the improvement of incentive improve the teaching function and promote the development of students.The new evaluation should play an educational function for students at the same time.From this, it can be seen that the New Reform of Basic Curriculum demands new requirements for evaluation.

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