I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to my teachers and classmates. Without their help, the path to the finishing line would have been too much a job for me.
My profound gratitude first goes to Ms. Liao Jing, my supervisor, who provides me with lots of comments, great patience, invaluable suggestions and encouragement. I will never forget that she has spared much of her precious time for me, reading and revising my paper—paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence and word by word.34630
Then I would like to extend my thanks to all the teachers and classmates who have helped me a lot and have taught me a lot during the four years of my academic pursuit in SIT.
I also appreciate the encouragement from my family and my friends, whose support and encouragement will inspire me forever.
Abstract In the 21st century when quality education is carried out in China, under the guidance of the reform of new curriculum in English teaching, the development of theories of cognition and emotion is reckoned as two significant aspects in the practice of teaching. With the deepening of the curriculum reform, an increasing number of teachers have been aware of the significance of emotional communication with their students in their teaching. An effective emotional communication between teachers and students helps a lot to improve student’ academic achievement and cultivate good teacher-student relationship. At present, in the field of English teaching in China, a new teaching model -- emotional resonance in English teaching is strongly advocated and actively practiced. The purpose of this paper is to explore the application of the new teaching model in College English teaching based on the humanistic learning theories. Teaching people need to pay attention to students’ personal values, self-esteem, emotion, interest, personality, etc. All teaching activities should see students as a starting point and take students as the guiding principle. All in all education should promote the all-round development of students' comprehensive quality.
In the practice of college English teaching under the guidance of humanistic learning theories, teachers and students produce emotional resonance with each other, which will maximize the advantages of the emotional teaching and improve the enthusiasm and initiative of students’ learning, and thus crack some hard nuts in English teaching and too much extent improving teaching efficiency.
Key Words: humanistic learning theory, emotional resonance, college English teaching
摘要在推行素质教育的二十一世纪,在新课改理念的指导下,英语教学中认知与情感理论的发展是不可忽视的两个方面。随着课程改革的深入进行,教学中的情感共鸣已被越来越多的教师所认同。它成为了提高学生学业水平、增强师生良好人际关系的一个重要的途径。目前,在我国英语教学领域,一种新的教学模式——英语情感式教学正在被大力提倡和积极实践。本文旨在人本主义学习理论的指导下探究情感共鸣在大学英语教学中的应用。教学者要关注学生的个人价值,自尊,情感,兴趣,个性等,一切教学活动以学生为出发点,以学生为动力,以学生为目的为指导原则, 保证教育促进学生综合素质的全面发展。
Acknowledgments I
Abstract II
摘要 III
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Objectives and Significance of the Research 1
- 上一篇:中学生英语学习策略对英语成绩的影响
- 下一篇:大学生美团外卖应用的顾客满意度研究