    摘 要中学生的学习动机在他们学习英语的过程中占有十分重要的地位,同时也是影响教学效果的关键因素之一。本论文采用问卷调查的研究方法探讨了中学英语教学中学生学习动机的激发策略。本文在有关英语学习动机理论的指导下,结合作者的教学实践,通过对数据的收集与分析,发现中学生在学习英语的过程中学习动机存在的问题,从而提出几点中学英语教学中激发学生学习动机的策略。希望这些激发策略可以对今后的英语学习与教学提供一点帮助。34816
    Abstract Middle school students’ motivation plays a very important role in their process of English learning. Meanwhile it is one of the key factors that affect the teaching effectiveness as well. This paper mainly discusses the strategies to stimulate learning motivation of students in middle school English teaching through a questionnaire. The author tries to study this topic related motivation theory, finding the students’ motivation problems through teaching practice, putting forward learning motivation strategies for students and teachers and hoping to give some help for their English learning and teaching.
    Key words: middle school students; learning motivation; English teaching
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review    2
    2.1 The Definition of Motivation    2
    2.2 Current Research Situation    3
    2.3 Gardner’s Social-educational Model    4
    2.4 Dornyei’s Three- level Categorization    4
    2.5 Classifications of Motivation    5
    2.5.1 Internal Motivation    5
    2.5.2 External Motivation    6
    2.6 Function of Motivation    6
    Ⅲ. Investigation and Analysis    7
    3.1 Investigation    7
    3.2 Data Collection and Analysis    7
    3.3 Findings    8
    IV. Motivating Strategies    9
    4.1 Importance of the Cultural Input and Interest in Learning    9
    4.2 Creation of Problem Situations to Stimulate Students’ Curiosity    9
    4.3 Purpose and Significance of Classroom Learning    10
    4.4 Reformation of Teaching Materials and Teaching Skills    10
    4.5 Feedback of Students’ Behavior in the Classroom    10
    4.6 Proper Evaluation and Appropriate Praise and Criticism    11
    4.7 Appropriate Competitions    11
    V. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    13
    Appendix    14
    Acknowledgments    15 
    Strategies to Stimulate the Learning Motivation of Students in Middle School English Teaching
    I. Introduction
    In the book series named “Non-intellectual factors and success” written by Professor Shen Lide, it pointed out that the process to become success is a process that intellectual and non-intellectual abilities influence each other, yet the non-intellectual factors play a decisive role in it. Motivation is the critical one among those non-intellectual factors. Learning motivation is one of the factors that can affect the outcome. It has a role of inspiration: promotes students to get into a learning mood, so they will spontaneously and actively perform a variety school activities, and this will ensure them to achieve their learning goals; it can guide behaviors: encourages students to selectively involve in a variety of learning activities to reach specific learning goals; it can maintain behavior: encourages students to maintain their high level learning intensity to improve themselves until reaching the goal, to overcome all difficulties and achieve good results under competitive situations. Motivation is a prerequisite for learning. Researchers have showed that students with a strong motivation often have serious learning attitude and strong learning perseverance. During teaching, teachers should focus to mobilize fully the students’ motivation. This can achieve more with less work done, improve education outcome thus reach the goal of education.
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