摘 要《飘》是美国最著名小说之一,是美国女作家玛格丽特•米切尔的不朽之作。小说是对美国南北战争时期动荡社会的真实反映。残酷的战争在改变南方固有的生产方式的同时对南方人民田园牧歌式的生活产生巨大的冲击。本文通过研究战争前后主人公斯嘉丽的对生活截然不同的认知:从战争前的无忧无虑的享乐,到战争中后为全家不挨饿而努力奋斗.从这一变化中寻找南方人面对战争这一毁灭性打击时的不懈抗争。主人公斯嘉丽在巨变中认知生活。本论文展现以一个平凡的女子为代表的南方人在面对战争面对社会巨变的积极态度。40508
毕业论文关键词:南北战争;生活;认知; 变化
Abstract Gone with the Wind is one of the most popular American novels, which is written by American female writer Margret Mitchell as her masterpiece .This novel is a real reflect of the turbulent society during the American Civil war. The war surged people’s pastoral and agrestic life while changing southerner’s immanent mode of production .This paper analyzes Scarlett’s an entirely different cognition of life during the war: Scarlett is totally a insouciant hedonist before the war, then she fights for resolving the problem of feeding her whole family. From the change we could see southerners hold a unremitting resistance during the crushing blow of war. They understood the life in great changes. This embodies Scarlett’s positive attitude to the war and the tremendous change of society.
Key words: The American Civil war; life; cognition; change
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Introduction of Margaret Mitchell and the novel 2
2.1 Introduction of Margaret Mitchell 4
2.2 Brief introduction of Gone With the Wind 5
III. The Life Scarlett lived in Tara 6
IV. The Life in Calamitous Atlanta 7
4.1 First big strike to Scarlett’s Life 7
4.2 Escape from Atlanta to Tara 8
4.3 Analysis on Scarlett’s psychological development 10
V. Life in Atlant 11
5.1 Land Crisis of Tara 11
5.2 Marriage and life security 13
VI. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgements 15
Analysis of Scarlett`s Cognition and Changes of Life
I. Introduction
Gone with the wind showed us the love story during the turmoil war successfully. It is a masterpiece inspired us to ponder the essence of life. It also witnessed the vicissitudes of history. More important, Scarlett`s brave struggle survive, her cognition of life showed us southerners’ attitude to plight. Bring Contemporary people positive approach to life.
A lot of celebrated scholars and experts had penetrate study of Scarlett`s complex character, ups and downs of her life, love and marriage after Gone with the wind was published. This book Obtained fruitful achievements. But rarely had author consider southerners` cognition of life before and after American Civil War as entry point. Exploring slaveholders` s new cognition of life is a new study point.
Scarlett is the controversial character that aroused people’s wild talk. Let`s look at her character of negative side: uppity, cold, selfish, without scruples are the labels on her, but we have to admit that she is a cute lady with strong mind and beautiful looks, physically weak. Her character and other factors decided that she would not live a common life. This paper will focus on her life to analysis her comprehension of living in the Civil War time, the ups and downs of her each time. Scarlett is a bright charming person in the novel, most writers take her character and her love, her marriage as the important part of this book. This paper will take particular visual of her life changes in each period. Analyzing linearly of her cognition of her life.
- 上一篇:《蝇王》中主要人物及其象征意义探析
- 下一篇:中美家庭价值观差异的跨文化分析