
    As a result, online shopping is favored by more and more female college students and they have already become the main force of the network shopping. 1.2 Purpose and Significance With the changing electronic commerce and the increasing number of college students, the role of college student consumer groups in the field of  network consumption is becoming more and more prominent. Based on consumer behavior, online consumer behavior science and other related theories, the project is expected to define the concept of contemporary female college students network consumption behaviors and to study their consumer behavior. In addition, this paper did a questionnaire survey on the female college students’ online shopping consumer behavior at Jiangsu Normal University, focusing on the analysis of the  factors influencing female college students online shopping consumer behavior. Theoretically, it will enrich the theory of consumer behavior and network consumer behavior, deepen the research on Internet consumer behavior and will also have certain significance to the theory research on the consumer behavior theory.

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