

    毕业论文关键词  美国华裔    女性文学    家庭教育   学校教育

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Views Concerning Education in Contemporary Chinese American Female Literature            

             ----Exemplified by Fifth Chinese Daughter, The Joy Luck Club and A Thousand Years of Good Prayers         


    This paper describes two types of education--family education and school and social education on the basis of three works of contemporary Chinese America female writers: Fifth Chinese Daughter, The Joy Luck Club, and A Thousand Years of Good Prayers. Most of the ideas in family education concern traditional Chinese beliefs, while school and social education mainly reflect western views. By analyzing several views concerning education such as marriage, equality, love for siblings, ect., this paper intends to gain an in-depth view of the education in Chinese-American families, and the changes that have taken place with the times. 

    Keywords  Chinese American    female literature   family education    

              school education

    Table of contents

    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Female Literature1

    1.2 Three Periods of Contemporary Chinese-American Female Literature..2

    1.2.1 Enlightenment Stage...2

    1.2.2 Prosperity Stage..2

    1.2.3 New Immigration Literature Stage.3

    2. Views Concerning Education...3

    2.1 Family Education 4

    2.1.1 Marriage4

    2.1.2 Importance of School Education..7

    2.1.3 From Obedience to Communication.8

    2.2 School and Social Education..10

    2.2.1 Love for Siblings.10

    2.2.2 Independence..10




    1. Introduction

    Chinese-American is a special group in both the United States and China because they not only accept advanced American education but also stick to some traditional Chinese culture. In the contemporary time, Chinese-American literature is increasingly popular. This paper intends to explore views concerning education as reflected in three works of Chinese-American female writers in different times. 

    1.1 Female Literature

    In the early literature review on female literature, the word “women’s literature” was used in many essays. It was in 1983 that the word “female literature” came into people’s life. 

    Female literature has a very close relationship with feminism movement. French revolution aroused the consciousness of female in all aspects and encouraged them to pursue suffrage and equality in education, culture and work. This change in the politics showed in the changes of literature as well. The thoughts of relationships between male and female and the pursuit of equality promoted women’s writing, which means that women portray their body, their emotion and their consciousness to overturn the definition of “female” given by the patriarchal society. With the emphasis of women’s writing, female literature was born. 

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