ABSTRACT Movies are an indispensable entertainment in people’s daily life. They may reflect the social values and cultural beliefs of people and may serve as a channel of cultural transmission. Animated movie is a mixture of movie and animation. Many Chinese and American animated movies have a similar theme: heroism. Hero is the eternal pursuit and dream for mankind. Whether in the oriental culture, or western culture, heroism is one of the most common themes in film and television programs. Hero complex is expressed by different kinds of heroic characters in movies. And because of different socio-cultural backgrounds, heroes created in Chinese and American animated movies and the hero complex reflected in the movies may be very different.46382
The present study first discusses the characteristics of the superheroes in several Chinese and American animated films. They are two Chinese movies Havoc in Heaven (1964), Lotus Lantern (1999) and two American animated films Superman: Brainiac Attacks (2006) and Batman: Year One (2011). A comparative analysis of the superheroes and the hero complex in Chinese and American Animated Movies will be made. Besides, the causes of the similarities and differences will be discussed from the perspectives of cultural background, history and social system. By researching different kinds of hero complexes in Chinese and American movies, we can learn more about the cultural difference and have a more comprehensive understanding of the Chinese and American cultures.
Keywords: hero; superhero; hero complex; animated movies; comparative analysis
摘 要电影作为人们生活中必不可少的娱乐方式,承载着一个国家的文化。中美两国作为两个世界大国,在电影方面尤其是动画电影,发展现状有着很大的差异。当然,这与两国的文化背景、经济发展、社会制度有着十分密切的关系。但是,在中美两国的动画电影中,都有着一个同样的主题: 英雄情结。英雄是人类永恒的追求和梦想。无论是在东方文化,还是西方文化中,英雄都是影视文学中最为基本的主题。人们通过在电影中塑造形形色色的英雄角色,来表达文化中的英雄主义和人们的英雄情结。本文通过阐述英雄、超级英雄以及英雄情结的含义以及对中国动画电影《大闹天宫》(1964) 和《宝莲灯》(1999) 以及美国动画电影《超人》(2006) 和《蝙蝠侠:第一年》(2011)中的主要超级英雄人物的分析,探讨中美动画电影中的英雄形象的不同,比较分析中美动画电影中英雄情节的异同,并从文化、历史等角度来分析这些异同的成因。
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature Review 2
3 Hero and Hero Complex 4
3.1 Hero and Superhero 4
3.2 Hero Complex and Animated Movies 5
4 Superheroes in Chinese and American animated movies 6
4.1 Superheroes in Chinese Animated Movies 6
4.2 Superheroes in American Animated Movies 8
5 Comparative Analysis of Hero Complex in Chinese and American Animated Movies 9
5.1 Similarities and Differences of Hero Complex in Chinese and American Animated Movies 9
5.2 Causes of the Differences and Similarities 11
6 Conclusion 12
References 13
Comparative Analysis of Hero Complex in Chinese and American Animated Movies
1 Introduction
As a way of entertainment, movie has become an indispensable part of people’s daily life. Movie is a special cultural product which may reflect the social values and culture beliefs of people and may serve as a channel of cultural transmission. Animated movie is a special branch of movies. It is a mixture of movie and animation. The history of American animated movies may date back to the year 1906 when Stuart Blackton, an Anglo-American film producer, made the first entirely animated film -- Humorous Phases of Funny Faces. Chinese animation, which started in the 1920s and it was not until 1941 that the first Chinese animation feature-length film, Princess Iron Fan, was produced by the Wan brothers who were considered the founders and pioneers of the Chinese animation industry. Chinese animation, inspired by French, German, Russian and mostly American productions, has long been under the shadow of American and Japanese animation. Yet, both American and Chinese animated movies have been playing a very important role in world animation.
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