摘 要赫尔曼•梅尔文尔是美国最伟大的小说家之一,其作品备受现代评论界的关注。《白鲸》被评论家称作“无与伦比的海上史诗",是创作在十九世纪中期的一部宏篇巨著。近一个世纪来,评论者从各个角度对《白鲸》进行了解析。本文试图从生态批评的视角对著作进行剖析,并在此基础上探讨有关海洋的生态问题。本文首先探讨了《白鲸》中海洋之于人类的意义。第二部分探讨了作家对侵略大海的行径的批判。这些行为不仅给大海带来了危害,也给捕鲸者自己带来了伤害。最后,论文分析了小说中理想的人海关系。书中唯一的幸存者热爱海洋,孜孜不倦地研究海洋生物。他的行为标志着人类理性处理同自然之间的关系的努力。当前人类面临着严重的生态危机,因此从生态批评的视角解读《白鲸》具有十分重要的意义。书中蕴含的生态哲学思考对当今生态危机日趋严峻的时代具有重要的借鉴意义。关键词:白鲸;生态主义;海洋;人海关系7636
Abstract Herman Melville is considered one of the greatest novelists in American literary history, whose works draw much attention from modern literary critics. Moby Dick, considered by the critics as “truly exceptional epic of the sea”, is a masterpiece of Melville, and widely acknowledged as a classic of American literature created in the middle of 19th century. For about a century, critics have been exploring the novel from all perspectives. This paper tries to analyze the novel from the perspective of eco-criticism and discuss the ecological problems regarding the ocean based on the analysis. The paper firstly studies the significance of the ocean. The ocean supports the human beings materially and spiritually. The great power of the ocean shocks the human beings. The next part discusses the author’s criticism of the human aggression to the ocean. Those behaviors not only harmed the ocean but also harmed the whalers. In the final part, the paper discusses the ideal ocean—human relationship in the novel. The only survivor in the novel loves the ocean and studies the creatures in the ocean constantly. His behaviors symbolize the efforts human rationality have made in dealing with the human-nature relationship. At present, one of the biggest challenges facing human beings is a most serious environmental crisis. therefore, the study of Moby Dick from the perspective of eco-criticism is incredibly meaningful. The ecological thoughts in the novel are significant for modern ages with worsening ecological crisis.
Key words: Moby Dick; eco-criticism; ocean; ocean-human relationship
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. The Significance of the Ocean 2
2.1 Provider of Material Resources 3
2.2 Spiritual Aid 3
2.3 Strong and Monstrous Destroyer 4
III. The Human exploitation of the Ocean 5
3.1 Representation 5
3.1.1 Captain Ahab: Spiritual Subjugation 5
3.1.2 The Crew: Material Plunder 6
3.2 Reasons of the Human Reckless Looting 7
3.2.1 Greed 7
3.2.2 Anthropocentrism 7
3.2.3 Ignorance 8
3.3 Consequence 8
3.3.1 The Deterioration of the Interpersonal Relationship 8
3.3.2 The Distortion of Humanity 9
3.3.3 The Destruction of the Human Beings 9
IV. An Ideal Relationship with the Ocean 10
4.1 Ishmael’s Proper Treatment of the Ocean 10
4.1.1 The Devotion to the Ocean 11
4.1.2 The Study of the Whale 11
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