
    Abstract Along with the Curriculum Reform, experts and teachers realize the weaknesses of traditional teaching methods which have been dominant in China for a long time. They try to improve the education system as well as English classroom teaching. Innovation in practice should be led by academic creation. Many teaching and learning theories have been applied in English classroom teaching. Among those theories,constructivist theory has a great impact on English teaching reform, however,some problems occurred due to lack of sufficient understanding of this learning theory and the teaching principles. Based on the National English Curriculum, this thesis intends to explore the effective English classroom teaching under the guidance of constructivist theory. It takes the grammar teaching as an example to illustrate the application of the constructivist teaching method and tries to offer some useful help to those who want to make changes in their English classroom teaching.53842

    Keywords:constructivist theory;traditional teaching methods;the National English Curriculum




    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review1

    3. English Classroom Teaching Developed on the Base of Constructivist Theory.. 3

    4. Problems and Solutions...6

    4.1 Analysis of features of students in junior middle school6

    4.2 Challenges for students ...7 4.3 Challenges for teachers....7

    5. Strategies of Applying Constructivist Approaches9

    5.1 Basic teaching steps under the guidance of constructivist theory9

    5.2 Grammar teaching based on constructivist theory10

    6. Conclusion..12

    Works Cited...13

    1. Introduction

    English teaching and learning always have an important place in Chinese education framework. The teacher is careful and conscientious, and the student works hard, but the result seems not to be proportional to the effort. In fact, It’s very difficult for students to use English. In order to change the situation, a revolution to teaching and learning is always on the agenda. Under the great pressure of the examination, many teachers hesitate to apply the new teaching method. They are afraid to make changes and they want to make sure that students can get high marks in exams. However, we should notice that the exam is changing, it becomes more flexible, practical and open. It needs personal creative thinking. So reciting books and memorizing grammar rules are no longer enough. Traditional way of instruction is not necessarily discarded, but it needs to absorb advanced learning and teaching theories to keep pace with the accelerating globalization and modernization. Among many theories, constructivist theory has been proved to be helpful to develop students’ overall compentences. It emphasizes that classes should be student-centered and interactive. It is accordance with the rationale of the National English Curriculum源/自:751:`论~文'网www.751com.cn 

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