
    Abstract Owing to the continuous controversies over English-only vs. bilingual education, language policy has come to the forefront of political debates in the United States. Even in the 20th century when more and more people realized the importance of learning a foreign language for economic, political and social benefits, the overwhelming majority supported or even initiated English-only movement and bilingual education was still severely opposed by most Americans. However, facing the needs of national security, American government has encouraged Americans to learn foreign languages in recent years. This seems to be a contradiction to its language policy in the past but it just indicates that the USA adjusts its specific policies according to situations. China’s language education, a part of language policy, currently needs reforming because of its many drawbacks such as its ignorance of mother tongue education and want of foreign language education planning, thus to meet our country’s needs for further development. This paper critically examines American language policy after the 20th century with the anticipation to draw some implications for language education in China.54053

    Keywords: language policy; bilingual education; language education




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 Previous Studies 3

    2.2 Language Policy 3

    3. Language Policy of the United States after the 20th Century 4

    3.1 The Bilingual Education 5

    3.2 Official English Campaign 7

    3.3 Attentions to Foreign Language Education in the 21st Century 10

    4. Implications for Language Education in China 11

    4.1 Enhancing Chinese Education and Improving the Awareness of Mother Tongue 12

    4.2 Implementing Bilingual Education Properly 13

    4.3 Taking an Overall View in Formulating Foreign Language Education Policy 13

    5. Conclusion 14

    Works Cited 16

    1. Introduction

    The United States of America has long been a nation of immigrants. The American mosaic has gone through continuous changes because of the constant inflow of immigration through its history. Although a largely English-speaking country comprised of people from linguistically perse backgrounds, the United States has never designated English in its Constitution as the country’s official language. In the first two decades of the twentieth century, the number of immigrants to the U.S. was higher than that of any other periods in its history. The recent dramatic change in demography caused serious worries among language policy makers and the general public as to the influence of the continuously growing linguistic persity having on U.S. as a unified country. 

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