
    Theory and subtitle translation. Chapter two is about  literal review on Skopos Theory and subtitle translation. Chapter three is about some difficulties in subtitle translation and some compensation methods. Chapter four is a case study which analyzes subtitle translation of Disney film – Mulan, based on Skopos Theory. Chapter five is  a  conclusion of this  dissertation  based on academic framework and case study. 2 Literature Review Functional translation theory sprung up in the 1970s and the 1980s in Germany. It regards the static language phenomenon as a cross-cultural communication behavior. Its core idea is that purpose determines method. This theory experienced “Text Typology” which was launched by Reiss, “Theory of Translation Action” which was launched by Hol Mantarri, “Skopos Theory” which was launched by Vemmeer and “Text Analysis Model” which was launched by Nord.  Hans Vemmeer (1989) put forward the Skopos Theory which makes the translation research get out of the limit of the framework of the source-text-oriented approach. This theory holds that translation is a purposeful and resultful action based on the original text. Translation must follow a set of rules, and Skopos rule is  the most important.  It means that  all the  translation  activities have their own purpose. Vemmeer (1989) believes that the Skopos rule is the highest rule in translation. It means if the purpose of translation is different, the strategies and methods of translation are also different.  According to  Skopos Theory, translation is a kind of a cross-culture communicative activity. It includes three rules: the Skopos, the coherence and the fidelity rule. The Skopos rule indicates that the purpose determines the strategies. The coherence rule requires that the translation should adapt to the communicative situation and culture. It can be received and accepted by the audience in such situation and culture.
    It means that the target text must be translated to be coherent for the target text receivers,considering their circumstances and knowledge. The fidelity rule shows the relationship between the source text and the translation. The  fidelity  rule merely states that there must be coherence between the translator and the source text or, more specifically, between the source text information received by the translator, the interpretation the translator makes of this information and the information that is encoded for the target text receiver. Among these three rules, the skopos rule is the highest rule. That is to say, the fidelity rule and the coherence rule are subordinate to the skopos rule.  Film is a visual art, which with pictures as its basic element, expounds plots, characters, views and mental activities of the characters and expresses the points of view  of the playwright through motion pictures and the characters’ action (Zhao huayong, 2000:234). With  Skopos Theory, film subtitle translation is determined by communicative intention. So when translating, the translator should put aside the traditional  translation methods, open mind and choose effective translation methods flexibly, so that the target audience can gain wonderful audio-visual enjoyment. It can let the audience enjoy the foreign films in a relaxed context and atmosphere as well as further understanding the exotic customs.  2.1 Overview of Skopos Theory Functional translation theory  came into being  in Germany  in 1970s. This theory  has experienced four stages. First, Katharina Reiss, a German translation theorist, introduced functional category to translation criticism  for the first time.  She  linked  language functions, text types and translation strategies  together. She  developed a model of translation criticism which based on the functional relationship between source text and target text. And then she put forward the embryo of functional theory. Reiss believes that conceptual content, language forms and communicative functions should be in equivalence with source text. But in practice, the translator should give priority to function of translation. 
  1. 上一篇:从克拉申二语习得理论探讨成人二语习得中的有意识和无意识认知过程
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