摘 要在当今文化多元化和文化全球化的进程中,隐私问题已引起人们越来越多的关注。隐私存在于各种不同的文化中,由于东西方文化差异而引起的人们的隐私观的差异,是造成交流障碍的因素之一。所以,比较中西隐私观差异以求将跨文化际碍减少到最小就成了本文研究的主要目的。
关键词: 隐私;文化;对比研究;原因;调节机制8147
Abstract Today, people pay more and more attention to the privacy. Privacy exists in every culture. Due to the different culture has different concepts of privacy, the communication is difficult. The influence of privacy in the intercultural communication from the difference existed in oriental and western culture has become one of the obstructions. Therefore, this thesis is delicated to demonstrate the differences on Chinese and Western privacy and causes.
Collectivism-oriented Chinese attach much importance to group privacy while inpidual privacy is often neglected. In contrast, inpidualism-oriented western consider inpidual privacy much more important. Private time, private space, and private rights are what they are tempted to protect. Then, the thesis analyzes the causes of the privacy differences, uses the regulation systems, familiarizing English learners with cross-culture background, developing their cross-cultural awareness, and deducing unnecessary communication failures.
Key words: privacy; culture; contrastive study; causes; regulation system
The Study on Differences of Chinese and Western PrivacyContents
摘 要.i
I. Introduction1
II. Privacy in Different Cultures1
2.1 Definition of Culture 2
2.2 Definition of Privacy 3
2.3 Relationship Between Privacy and Culture4
III. Different Action on Chinese and Western Privacy.5
3.1 Privacy in Personal Information.5
3.2 Privacy in Space.5
3.3 Privacy in Public places.7
IV. Causes of the Different Privacy.8
4.1 The Origin of Different Culture8
4.1.1 Agriculture Culture.8
4.1.2 Industry Culture8
4.2 Different Culture Values9
4.2.1 Chinese Collectivism.9
4.2.2 Western Inpidualism10
4.2.3 Different Attitudes Toward Inpidualism Between Chinese and Western.12
4.3 Regulation Systems of Privacy in Different Culture13
V. Conclusion13
I. Introduction
With the growth of transportation and communication technology, the conception of global village has become a reality. So we inevitably encounter some people, come from the West, during the travel, study, business interactions, etc. With the rapid development of globalization, it is highly important for us to cultivate intercultural communication competencies among which understanding of privacy is most important.
Privacy between Chinese and Western cultures are different. Some questions like ask other’s personal information: “Are you married?” “Where are you going?” are regard as common topics in China. While, in West, these questions are not appropriate to ask. This kind of question is common that such obstacles often appeared between China and the West owing to different cultures. Consequently, having a full knowledge of privacy is essential in intercultural communication. Lacking of knowledge in privacy, will lead to amount of misunderstandings in the process of communication.
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