
    Abstract The classical film Forrest Gump has garnered a total of 13 Oscar Award nominations. The film, in the context of the 20th century American history, is a legendary story about a man called Gump with an IQ of only 75 who leads a most outstanding life. It is believed that one important factor that makes the film so popular is its wonderfully-used language and well-designed lines, which plays an important role in building each character alive for the audience and conveying the film’s significance and its artistic strengths. 58905

    The paper makes a detailed and thorough analysis on the carefully-chosen 8 typical dialogues between the main characters in the film Forrest Gump. The dialogues are arranged according to the time sequence of the character appearing in the movie, including dialogues between Forrest Gump and the black woman, Forrest Gump and Mum, Mrs. Gump and the Principal, Forrest Gump and the bus driver, Forrest Gump and Jenny, Forrest Gump and the President, Forrest Gump and reporters. Adopting Grice’s theory of Conversational Implicature and Cooperative Principle as theoretical framework, the paper attempts to analyze each selected dialogue what maxims or sub-maxims of the Cooperative Principle are violated and what implicatures are produced through such violation, and meanwhile to figure out if the implicatures can be understood by the core character Forrest Gump who is somewhat mentally retarded and if the frequencies of his violation of the maxims of the Cooperative Principle are the same as others.

    Keywords: Cooperative Principle; conversational implicatures; film dialogues; Forrest Gump



    毕业论文关键词: 合作原则;会话含义;电影对白;《阿甘正传》


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 An Overview of Forrest Gump 1

    2.2 Studies Abroad on Forrest Gump 2

    2.3 Studies in China on Forrest Gump 3

    3. Theoretical Framework 4

    3.1 Definition of Conversational Implicature 4

    3.2 Grice’s Cooperative Principle 5

    4. Analysis of Cooperative Principles of Dialogues in Forrest Gump 6

    4.1 Dialogues between Forrest Gump and the Black Woman 6

    4.2 Dialogues between Forrest Gump and Mum 7

    4.3 Dialogues between Mum and the Principal 9

    4.4 Dialogues between Forrest Gump and the Driver

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