
    Abstract The product instruction plays an important role in the promotion of products, which means that the product instruction made by companies should be perfect and easy for consumers to understand. So, in order to make it easier for those foreign consumers to use the products made in China effectively in international transaction, more attention should be paid to the process of translation. Because supplying product instruction is an important way in which companies can tell mass target consumers much information about the goods they want to export. The skopos theory is an important translation theory in the translation field and it has been extensively used in the translation of different texts. This means that having a good knowledge of the skopos theory will be quite important in the translation of product instruction. However, when it comes to the process of translating, there have been a number of problems we have to deal with. So, in order to solve these problems effectively, it is necessary for us to turn to skopos theory that will help us a lot. The thesis analyzes various problems when we are translating a product instruction. Finally, under the guidelines of the skopos theory, some very important translation principles will be discussed one by one.59072

    Key words: product instruction; skopos thoery; international trade; target consumers




    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review2

    2.1 General Review of Skopos Theory.....2

    2.2 Previous Study on the Translation of Product Instruction..3

    3. Analysis of Product Instruction from the Perspective of Skopos Theory5

    3.1 Existing Problems in the Translation of Product Instruction evaluated from Skopos Theory..5

    3.1.1 Translator’s Lack of Professional Vocabulary..6

    3.1.2 Abusement of Punctuations and Grammar Errors...........................6

    3.1.3 Problems in Interculrural Communication...7

    3.2 Translation Principles of Product Instruction under Skopos Theory..8

    3.2.1 Great Emphasis on Explaining and Instructing under Skopos Rule......8

    3.2.2 Keeping the Technical Features of Original Version under Loyalty Rule...9

    3.2.3 Some Important Points Based on Coherence Rule10

    4. Conclusion....11

    Works Cited...13

     1. Introduction 

    Product instruction is also called goods instruction, by which foreign companies can introduce their products to us consumers from overseas, including their qualities, structures, functions, operating manual and so on.(Li Yunxin, 2006:198) That is to say, it is an economic writing, the aim of which is to sell products well and make more profits.

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