
    But actually, more important than all of that, a film is not noly a film itself. Literally, the film industry bridges the East and the west. In addition, subtitles can also be used to translate foreign language programs; let most of the audiences hear the pure pronunciation with their own understanding. A great translator in earlier studying of film subtitle translation, Mr. Qian Shaochang, once said: "The film language contains both the elements of general literary language and its own characteristics: listening, comprehensiveness, instantaneousness, popularity and no note." (Qian Shaochang, 2000:28) These features are clear at a glance in an excellent dubbed film.So, film subtitle translation is particularly important and worth studying.

    But there’s only a few study on the specific using of thses two strategies. So, the author hopes to find out some effective methods after studying and wishes people could no longer only enjoy the film, but pay more attention to the subtitle translation and to think about it. Moreover, Django Unchained has critical research significance. One of the themes of the film is the Black slavery which should also be explained in translation to ensure the integrity of the cultural content. And thhis kind of films which has profound inter-cultural communicative meaning can get more attention. Then the author introduces the transparent and fluent style of domestication and its graetest advantage of weakening the strangeness, as well as the foreignization, and its advantage to retain the original language and cultural differences in detail. Besides, the author also mentions the disadvantages of both of the strategies that can give rise to lack of emotional content and meaning. “Provide some examples of how to choose these two strategies when dealing with different ways of expression.”(Li Yu, 2012:4) The translators all stick to his or her arguments. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But now, it is accepted that they are inseparable. The difficulty is to strike a balance between them in one context. To make up for the lack of emotional meaning brought forth by historical and cultural differences between the east and the west, the first chapter introduces the definition of subtitle translation and sums up the characteristics and importance of film subtitle translation; the second chapter mainly reviews the former studies on strategies of domestication and foreignization in film subtitle translation; the third chapter focuses on the historal background of the film, the content of the story and the main characters; the fourth chapter analysises the application of domestication and foreignization strategies in subtitle translation with Django Unchained as an example; the fifth chapter comes to a conclusion and puts forward imitations of this thesis. It is hoped that this thesis could make some contribution to the subtitle translation, and make a more convincing state of their dialectical relationship.

    2. Literature Review

    2.1 Review on Domestication and Foreignization

    Domestication and foreignization are proposed by American famous translation theorist Lawrence Venuti in Translator’s Invisibility in 1995. Historically, domestication and foreignization can be regarded as the extension of the concept of literal translation and free translation, but they are not exactly the same. Foreignization and domestication break through the limitation of language factors, expand the vision field to language, culture and aesthetics. The value orientation of foreignization and domestication is based on culture context. Domestication and foreignization are in the unity of opposites. They complementary the absolute domestication or foreignization is not exist. The purpose of using those two strategies is to combine language and culture perfectly and to better transmit the cultural charisma, to let the expression of fit the appreciator more, to promote cultural exchange and fusion.

    Most time of the 20th century in China, domestication played an important role in translation, but in the 21st century, this situation changed translator’s prefered to adpot foreignization. In 2001, Sun Zhili advocated that if possible, people should strive for foreignization, and use domestication as an assistive tool when translating in Domestication and Forelgnization. As time goes on, some translators realized domestication and foreignization are in the unity of opposites. In 2005, Dai Youfeng and Jin Ling examined in depth the relationship between them. Since 1980’s, the foreignness has been a major concern for translators in the West.

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