
        To analyze Martin Eden’s spiritual well-being is now a hot point in studying this work. And many works pick Martin Eden’s faith or philosophical belief as a perspective to reinterpret his suicide. To seek out a reason of the suicide in the respect of his faiths has been done in many studies. Miao Yongsheng's Jack London's Confusion:a Study of Inpidualism in Martin Eden focus on Martin's inpidualism. Zhang Wei's On the Spirit of Superman in Martin Eden as well as Xiao Qiongman's On Martin Eden: the Superman Image in Jack London's works focus on Martin Eden's philosophy of superman. Other than these papers. Some like He Qingmang's Ruth:A Doll of Patriarchal society takes Martin's love as a faith supporting his struggle. 

        This essay offer another interpretation of Martin’s faith: Martin’s faith in Beauty. Martin once again claims he wants Beauty, but no papers has ever take serious of this claim and just see beauty as a simple desire for artistic and fine things. Because more attention is directed to love, which , as Martin says, is sitting on the pinnacle of his world. This paper is to focus on Beauty and try to give another interpretation of Martin’s suicide in this perspective.     

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