
    Abstract The Call of the Wild, which is abundant in ecological ideas, is one of the most famous masterpieces of Jack London. The novel tells a story about a dog’s experience of returning to the wild gradually. This process is a mix of humanity and wildness. The novel reveals author’s strong ecological consciousness. It shows the natural environment of North America and the greed and cruelty of human through the angle of the animals. The novel reflected the relationship between human and nature which brought readers a new perspective of thinking. Most important of all, Jack London’s ecological views have brought a new development direction for the human when getting along with nature. The thesis analyzes Jack London’s ecological consciousness from the perspective of the criticism of civilization, the values of nature, the development direction of human and exploration of the relation between man and nature. It also makes people become more aware of the importance of ecological thoughts and living in harmony with nature. Through the analysis of Jack London’s ecological consciousness in The Call of the Wild, the thesis also brings about a new attitude for human to be with nature. Furthermore, the thesis arouses people’s ecological consciousness and sense of responsibility to preserve the ecological environment.51837

    Key words: The Call of the Wild     Jack London     Ecological Consciousness


    关键词:野性的呼唤     杰克·伦敦      生态意识


    Introduction 1

    Chapter 1 Criticism of the Civilization 3

    Chapter.2 Reconsideration of the Nature's Value 5

    Chapter 3 Thought on the Direction of Human development 7

    Chapter 4 Exploration of the Relation between Human and Nature 9

    Conclusion 10

    Works Cited 12

    The Ecological Consciousness of Jack London in The Call of the Wild


    Jack London is a famous American writer in late 19th century and the early 20th century. He left the world a rich literary heritage in his short period of 18 years of writing career. Totally, he wrote 19 novels and more than 150 short stories such as White Fang, Martin Eden, Love of Live, etc. Most of his works are still popular with readers all over the world.

    Jack London witnessed the early development of the American civilization .At the that time, the rapid development of industrial civilization led to the ecological crisis. In his novel, Jack London showed the destruction of nature and the cruelty to animals. His novels also reflect the consciousness of the natural ecological crisis.

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