
    Abstract Asking questions is an important way of classroom teaching. It is the teacher-student exchange of information and emotional exercise. Good questions can stimulate students’ interest in learning,inspire students’ thinking,check students’ strength and weaknesses. Therefore, the effect of teaching is largely influenced by the strategies of classroom questioning. Despite so many previous findings in this field, when doing practice teaching in Middle School Affiliated to Normal University , the author still found so many problems of asking questions in English class. Thus, the thesis analyses these problems and provides classroom questioning strategies.  61423

    Keywords: classroom questioning; questioning strategies; input hypothesis; output hypothesis 




    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background of the study 1

    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study 1

    1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis 2

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 Questions asking 3

    2.2 Related Theories 5

    3. Problems of Asking Questions in English Classroom in MSAHNU 7

    3.1 Improper purpose 7

    3.2 Improper target 7

    3.3 Improper Wait-time 8

    3.4 Improper feedback 8

    4. Suggestions to Teacher Questioning 8

    4.1 teachers should design questions carefully and choose the proper purpose 8

    4.2 Teachers should choose right target to ask to 9

    4.3 Teachers should give proper wait-time for students 9

    4.4 teachers should give adequate feedback 9

    5. Conclusion 10

    5.1 Findings of the thesis 10

    5.2 Limitations of the study 10

    Works Cited 11

    1. Introduction 

    1.1 Background of the study

    As we know, classroom questioning is an important way in English classroom teaching, which is applied in every step of teaching process. Classroom questioning is one of the main forms of teacher-student exchange of information and language practice.“Questioning is one of the most frequently used teaching techniques” (Richards, 1994: 379). It also plays an important role in effective teaching. For most teachers, the art of classroom teaching is the art of classroom questioning. Classroom questioning, which plays an essential part in language teaching, is one of the most powerful skills used by teachers to engage students’ involvement in classroom, and for this reason, it has been researched for nearly about 100 years. Effective questioning can surely improve learners’ output, just like Sanders said: “Good questions recognize the wide possibilities of thought and are built around varying forms of thinking. Good questions are directed toward learning and evaluative thinking, rather than determining what has been learned in a narrow sense”. 源:自'751.·论,文;网·www.751com.cn/

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