
    To study the iceberg theory in The Old Man and the Sea, we can explore the language style, the symbolic meaning and the special time arrangement in the structure. First, the language style in this novel can be found in narrative methods, characters’ dialogue and psychological description. Second, in The Old Man and the Sea, many factors are implemented as symbolism. The third aspect reflecting the “iceberg theory” in The Old Man and the Sea is the concentration of time. The structure of this novel follows the order of time, which to a large extent affects threads of the text. 文献综述

    3. The Language Style

    Language is an important writing tool for writers. Different language style will affect the vitality of the lines and authors’ writing rhythm. The objective and simple language in The Old Man and the Sea expands the content and allows the length to play infinite potential. One of the evaluations about Hemingway's love of simple language using is recorded in The Cambridge history of American Literature. Scholars thought Hemingway had used those simple words and simple sentences deliberately. From this, we can see that he was like other Americans who were keen to writing skills. Hemingway had seen language as a tool (qtd. He Ping, 2013: 42).

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