
    Abstract Jane Austen, one of the most famous female realistic writers in English literature at the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century. Among the forty-two years of her short life but meaningful one, Austen wrote six full-length works and three fragments. Love and marriage is the theme of her all of works. And Pride and Prejudice is her the most representative novel. With the love story as the main line, Austen narrated four couples’ love and marriage stories humorously and drolly, showed the pictures of the life of the English middle class vividly by using skilled writing techniques, and also reflected people’s views on love and marriage at that time, and Jane Austen’s views. She thinks that it is wrong and stupid to marry only for fortune, money and social status, and it is also stupid to marry without taking these factors into consideration. The marriages of characters in this novel reflect her ideal pursuit and interpretation of marriage. She opposes to marry for money, and opposes to see the marriage as a trifling matter. Meanwhile, she stresses that real love should be the cornerstone of perfect marriage. Therefore, this paper will study the life of Austen and four marriages depicted in Pride and Prejudice to discuss and explore Austen’s views of love and marriage and the realistic significance of her views.64094

    Key words: Pride and Prejudice; love, fortune and social status; perfect marriage;



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Four Different Marriages in Pride and Prejudice 2

    3.1 Rational Love 2

    3.2 Carnal Love 3

    3.3 Secular Love 3

    3.4 True Love 4

    3.5 Blind Love 4

    4. Jane Austen’s views of Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 5

    4.1 The cornerstone of marriage 6

    4.2 The guarantee of marriage 6

    4.3 Equal social status 7

    5. The View of Marriage of Jane Austen 7

    5.1 The Practical Significance 7

    5.2 The Limitations 9

    6. Conclusion 10

    Works Cited 11

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