
    Abstract There are many great women litterateurs and famous women novelists in England during the 19th century. Many women novelists welled up and broke the complexion with controlled by men in literature. Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Brontë, one of the greatest realistic female writers in the 19th century in English literature, is an excellent autobiographical novel. It successfully presents a bright feminine image --Jane Eyre, an English woman struggles against difficulties in life, discrimination in society and male dominance to pursuit justice, equality, personality, dignity and independence.67097

    Firstly, the thesis briefs the background in Victorian age and the theme of the paper. Secondly , the thesis gives an introduction to the author and the novel. Thirdly, this thesis analyzes Jane Eyre’s feminism consciousness, pursuit of equality and independence and analysis the expression of feminism  in Jane Eyre. And then, this thesis attempts to shows its historical and modern significance. It is an encouragement to women who strive for equality and independence not only in her day but also in modern society.

    Keywords: Charlotte Brontë; Jane Eyre; Feminism; equality; true love


    本论文首先介绍了维多利亚时代背景和本文的主题。其次,介绍了作者和小说。然后分析了简爱的女性意识,追求平等、独立和分析《简•爱》中女权zhuyi的表达。最后, 阐述其历史意义和现实意义。它对当时与当今那些争取平等和自立的女性都是一种激励和启迪。

    毕业论文关键词:夏洛蒂·勃朗特;简·爱;女性zhuyi;平等 ;真爱


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Consciousness of Feminism by Charlotte Brontë 3

    3.1 Personal Experience of the Charlotte Brontë 3

    3.2 General Introduction to the Jane Eyre 3

    4. The Rising of Jane Eyre’s Feminism Consciousness 4

    4.1 Fighting with the Aunt-Germinating of Feminism Consciousness 4

    4.2 Lowood’s Temper-Growing of Feminism Consciousness 4

    4.3 Falling in Love with Rochester-Upsurging of Feminism Consciousness 5

    5. The Feminism Consciousness in Jane Eyre 6

    5.1 The Pursuit of Equality and Independence 6

    5.2 The Pursuit of Self-esteem 7

    5.3 The Pursuit of True Love 8

    6. The Expression of Feminism Consciousness in Jane Eyre 8

    6.1 Metaphor used in Describing Jane and the Mad Woman 8

    6.2 Occultation the Challenge to Male Culture 9

    7. The Influence of Jane Eyre on the Later Literature and Society 10

    7.1 The Interpretation of Jane Eyre from Modern Perspective 10

    7.2 Feminism Consciousness in the Modern Society

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