


    毕业论文关键词  中美    非言语交际   文化差异

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication Between China And America


     This paper is to study the differences of nonverbal communication between China and America in terms of some aspects. On the basis of Knapp’s classification of nonverbal communication, it will make an analysis of nonverbal differences in class and social etiquettes. Then, with Hosted’s classification of cultural values, the paper will explore the causes of those differences and summarize the root and features of China’s and America’s culture. In the end, it makes suggestions to reduce and avoid misunderstanding and conflicts because of the nonverbal differences in classes and etiquettes. 

    Keywords   China and America   Nonverbal Communication   Culture


    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction ..    .. .. . .  . ..   .. .. 1

    2 Literature Review . . .  .  . . ..   .. . 1

    2.1 Concepts of Nonverbal Communication ..   .. ..   .. 1

    2.2 Classification of Nonverbal Communication . .. . . . .. .1

    2.3 The Previous Study on Nonverbal Communication and Culture .. .. .  1

    2.4 Research Design and Methodology  ..  ..  .. .. . . .  ..2

    3 Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication between China and America..3

    3.1 Nonverbal Communication in Social Etiquette . ..  .  . . .3

    3.1.1 Distance between People. .  .  . . ..   ..3

    3.1.2 Physical Contact. .    . . ..   ..3

    3.1.3 Eye Contact. .  .  . . ..   ..4

    3.1.4 Smile and Laugh. .  .  . . ..   ..4

    3.2 Nonverbal Communication in Class ..  ..  ..  . . .  .4

    3.2.1 Eye Contact .. .. ..  ..  . . .  ..4

    3.2.2 Facial Expression . .  .  . . ..   .. 5

    3.2.3 Posture and Movement.. . ..  .  . . ..   .. 5

    3.2.4 Paralanguage.. . .  .  . . ..   .. 5

    3.2.5 Seating Arrangement . .  .  . . ..   .. 6

    4 Causes of The Differences. .  .  . . ..   ..6

    4.1 Historical Background. .  .  . . ..   ..7

    4.2 Inpidualism and Collectivism. ..  . . ..   ..8

    4.3 High-context and Low-context. .  .  . . ..   ..8

    Conclusion.   .  . . ..   ..9

    Acknowledgments. .  .  . . ..   ..9

    Bibliography. .  .  . .. .   .. ..  ..10

    1 Introduction

    In recent years, how to reduce the misunderstanding between two or more cultures has been a great concern. To this problem, we should know the value, belief, culture and so on in other countries. So as the aspect of culture, communication plays a very important role in today’s global environment. Moreover, nonverbal communication, as a main part of communication, has great influence on international communication especially. But nowadays, people have not paid enough attention to nonverbal aspect. As a result, though being main means to transfer information, nonverbal communication is often overlooked and it often leads to misunderstanding, even conflicts. In this case, how to communicate effectively and how to realize different cultures in communication, especially in nonverbal communication is of major concern. This paper intends to improve this situation by studying nonverbal communication in different cultures.

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