
    Abstract Shakespeare is one of the most significant writers in the history of English literature. Most of his works are highly praised and loved by many readers. As time goes by, The Merchant of Venice, as one of the four greatest comedies of Shakespeare, has found its increasing attention among people. And a growing number of people come to focus their attention on the tragic implication hidden in the comedy The Merchant of Venice. 68983

    This comedy, happened in in Venice in 16th century, is mainly about conflicts between greedy usurer Shylock and selfless merchant Antonio in the whole play. Actually, the conflicts between them represent the conflicts between the merchant bourgeoisie of capitalism and usurers. And it ends happily up with the victory of merchant Antonio representing the emerging capitalism. This thesis is intended to analyze the situation of such characters as Shylock, Antonio and Portia in the play to reveal the tragic implication of them, and then to analyze the possible reasons for their tragedy based on the social environment at that time. And finally it offers an interpretation of the tragic implication of these characters hidden in the comedy from a new perspective, hoping provide helpful warning and inspiration to others.

    Key Words: The Merchant of Venice     comedy     interpretation     tragic implication

    摘 要 英国作家莎士比亚是英国文学史上一位举足轻重的作家。他的作品得到了许多读者的赞颂与喜爱。随着时间的推移,作为莎士比亚四大喜剧之一的《威尼斯商人》受到了世人越来越多的关注。大家逐渐把目光聚焦在其喜剧结局背后的所隐藏的各种悲剧色彩。


    毕业论文关键词:《威尼斯商人》     喜剧     解读     悲剧色彩


    Abstract..…... i

    摘要..…........ ii

    Content...... iii

    Introduction..... 1

    Chapter One  Shylock’s tragedy in the play 

    1.1 Shylock’s tragedy in his family... 4

    1.2 Shylock’s tragedy in his religious belief…....….…6

    Chapter Two  Portia’s tragedy in the play

    2.1 Her compromise to his father’s will…....….......9

    2.2 Her low self-esteem to Bassanio…....................10

    2.3 Her disguise on the court…..........................…12

    Chapter Three  Antonio’s tragedy in the play….........…...14


    Works Cited..........…....18

    On the Tragedy in the Merchant of Venice


    William Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English literature history and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. Most of his works have been highly commended. Nowadays, there are about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 two long narrative poems, and several other poems of Shakespeare, and most of his works are translated into many different languages. Max once said that Shakespeare is one of the greatest dramatic geniuses of mankind. It is true that his works will never die with time and what he has left are the valuable treasures for all the people in the world.

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