    毕业论文关键词:    甲醛监测仪;STC单片机; 传感器;便捷式;keil
    Teaching information management system based on JAVA
    Abstract: With the improvement of living standards, people on the indoor living environment of comfort requirements getting higher, housing and living is important material conditions of people's lives, is people life, family reunion places, but with the increasingly wide range of decoration materials are widely used and life activities, home environment breaches. Because of people's attention and the market for formaldehyde monitor the shortage of place, so to design their own research a portable formaldehyde monitor based on the single chip microcomputer to cater to the needs of the broad masses of the people and the market.
    This paper designs a portable formaldehyde detector, STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller as the core, with MS1100 formaldehyde sensor as the high accuracy of the weak signal detection sensor, using sensor has its own Precision Operational Amplifier for signal processing, realize high precision detection of formaldehyde detector, also instrument with low power consumption, intelligent and portable features very practical to detect the content of formaldehyde in indoor air.
    Keywords:  Formaldehyde monitor; STC microcontroller; VOCs Sensor; Portable ; keil
    摘要     i
    Abstract    ii
    1    绪论    3
    1.1    课题的设计背景    3
    1.2    课题的目的和意义    3
    1.2.1    甲醛监测仪的研究对市场的意义    3
    1.2.2    甲醛监测仪的研究对求职的意义    3
    1.2.3    甲醛监测仪的研究对学习的意义    3
    1.3    国内外研究现状与水平    3
    2    甲醛监测仪设计介绍    3
    2.1    甲醛监测仪设计的硬件部分介绍    3
    2.1.1    主控制芯片    3
    2.1.2    甲醛传感器    3
    2.1.3    LCD显示界面    3
    2.1.4    电源管理电路    3
    2.1.5    复位电路    3
    2.1.6    上下限设置开关电路    3
    2.1.7    晶振电路    3
    2.1.8    复位电路    3
    2.1.9    蜂鸣器电路    3
    2.2    甲醛监测仪设计的软件部分介绍    3
    2.2.1    主程序    3
    2.1.2    部分子程序    3
    3    甲醛监测仪硬件设计    3
    3.1    甲醛监测仪设计主电路图 (见附录1)    3
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