




    With the continuous progress of modern society, people's living standards continue to improve, technology is also in constant development in recent years, China's food and clothing can basically meet, in this condition, our lives have changed the quality. You can expect that now people basically have the car, it will be unnecessary injuries, so the safety of the premise, we try to make the occurrence of many preventive measures to reduce this kind of thing. The contemporary society is travel car, so the car will bring great danger to us, how to reduce our life safety, must start from the car, we know there are a lot of traffic accident every year, most of the accidents are because of negligence and negligence, drunk driving is the most critical time. So how to reduce drunk driving so that we can prevent traffic accident is an important part of our drunk driving problem.

    In addition, China because of drunk driving caused by economic loss is quite amazing, according to the accident survey data show that about fifty percent to sixty percent of the traffic accident and the drunk. China's public security departments to strengthen the country of our country to investigate drunk driving efforts early in 2009 and August, to prevent and reduce traffic accidents caused by drunk driving, which involves the detection of alcohol content contained in the human body and the detection equipment problems.

    The content of this design is to apply our design in the air, to detect the content of alcohol in the air of the air, but also to detect the content of our human breath gas. This is a great contribution to our society. The design of the use of 51 single-chip, sensor MQ-3 as our core chip to detect the concentration of alcohol detector electronic products.    

    Keywords: alcohol concentration sensor (MQ3); MCU; A/D converter; Software design; The hardware 

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