
    摘要: 随着科技的发展,人类文明的进步,城市化的进程发展的越来越迅速,城市中的人口日益增多,而传统的交通方式已然不能满足现在城市发展的需要。此时轻轨的出现,大大的改善这种情况,于是轻轨开始流行起来,在中国,各大一线二线城市正在积极的修建,但是与此同时,轻轨运行时带来的新型环境污染同样成为了不可忽视的问题,轻轨运行时给周边环境所带来的不仅仅是噪音污染,同样对其周边商业、土地以及经济也带来许多的影响,但是目前并没有特别多的人重视这个问题,所以本次设计主要是设计一套关于轻轨沿线振动噪音监测的系统,本设计中包含了传感器的设计分析与筛选、信号调理电路、单片机的硬件设计等,系统实现了监测的功能,为轻轨的安全运行提供了保障。68811


    Vibration and Noise Monitoring System along Light Rail

    Abstract:With the development of science and technology, the progress of human civilization, the development of urbanization process more and more rapidly, the increasing population in the city, and the traditional way of transport already can not meet the needs of urban development. At this time, the emergence of light rail, greatly improve the situation, so light rail began to pop up in China, the first line of second-tier cities are actively building, but at the same time, light rail operation brought about by the new environmental pollution also became Ignoring the problem, the light rail run to the surrounding environment brought about not only the noise pollution, the same business, land and the economy also brought a lot of impact, but there is not a lot of people pay attention to this problem, so the The design is mainly to design a set of light and noise along the light rail monitoring system, the design includes the sensor design analysis and screening, signal conditioning circuit, single-chip hardware design, the system to achieve the monitoring function for the safe operation of light rail Provide protection.

    Keywords: Noise;detection;signal; processing;sensors


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2 对目前研究现状的分析 2

    1.3 研究的发展趋势状况 2

    1.4 设计的目的 2

    1.5 课程设计研究的工作原理 3

    2 系统总体的设计方案 3

    2.1 设计的总体思路 3

    2.2 设计方案的选择 4

    2.2.1 传感器的筛选和设计 4

    2.2.2液晶显示屏的选择 4

    2.2.3 单片机方案的选择 5

    2.3 设计的总体框图 6

    3 系统的硬件设计 6

    3.1主控模块STC89C52单片机设计 6

    3.1.1 STC89C52单片机的介绍 6

    3.1.2 主控制模块STC89C52单片机的模块电路原理 8

    3.2 噪音和振动传感器的设计 9

    3.2.1 振动和声音传感器的介绍 9

    3.2.2  LM386简介 9

    3.2.3  LM386内部电路 10

    3.2.4  LM386的外部引脚以及特点

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