
    摘要轨道交通电力监控系统主要对供电和变电系统进行全面监控,轨道交通综合 监控系统特别关键,体现在轨道交通运营的自动化和信息化能通过它实现。随着 科学技术的不断进步与成长,综合电力监控系统也在与时俱进。本文最后也会对 综合电力监控系统进行总结和展望。69931

    本文设计的主要内容有:第一,电力监控系统硬件的设计,硬件设计主要为 总体原理图设计和元器件选型;第二,PLC 控制系统的软件程序,主要是对电力 监控系统中的温度、 电压、 湿度等参数的监控。 本文选择的 PLC 是三菱 FX2N-128MR,此 PLC 在系统中作为主控设备。在编制 PLC 程序时,本文较为 全面的分析了控制系统的控制要求,模拟电力监控中会出现的各种情况,并编制 程序。

    该论文有图 16 幅,表 9 个,参考文献 47 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:电力监控系统 电力监控 PLC 综合监控

    Design Of Electric Power Monitoring System For Railway Transport

    Abstract Electric power monitoring and control system for the rail communication is mainly for power supply and to conduct a comprehensive monitoring substation system, this paper is to design a monitor to the two aspects of integrated automation system. Main design its function, composition, structure. Rail transit integrated power monitoring and control system is a complex system, so the  design  will  focus on design of rail transit comprehensive monitoring system software platform, the realization of its software platform architecture, also fully designed several very important technology in the software platform.

    These design power supply system of the main substation of rail transit, the pressure drop inside the substation, substation of all components, medium voltage equipment, high pressure equipment, drainage tank, ac/dc power supply panel, dc equipment monitor and control object, the data of the monitoring system of the device at runtime effectively collect data acquisition, data analysis, the fault type of discrimination, the data in the form of statistics, data, information search, information seeking, and other functions. Rail transit comprehensive monitoring system key, particularly reflected in the operation of the rail transit automation and information technology to achieve through it. With the constant progress of science  and technology and the growth, integrated power monitoring and control system is also advancing with The Times. Finally, the paper also integrated power  monitoring system is summarized and prospected.

    Key Words: Power monitoring system Electrical power monitoring and controlling    PLC    Integrated supervision

    摘要 I

    Abstract II


    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 对电力监控系统研究的根据和含义 1

    1.2 轨道交通电力监控系统的整体布局 1

    1.3 论文的章节划分 2

    2 电力监控系统的介绍 4

    2.1 引言 4

    2.2 环境条件 4

    2.3 电力监控系统的功能需要 4

    3 电力监控系统的总体设计

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