
    摘要本文所设计的列车溜逸智能检测系统,是为了防止列车在停车场编组站和驼 峰场因为列车的车轮松动或者人为破坏而导致列车在停车时发生滑动。

    列车滑动在停车场时有发生,如果列车溜逸到其他铁路线路,会发生十分严 重的铁路安全事故。损坏国家铁路财产,严重影响铁路运输的效益,更有可能对 铁路工人的生命安全造成威胁。而且,传统的铁路防溜措施基本都是以人工巡检 为主,耗费很大的人力物力,及时性和可靠性都存在缺陷。所以,研究一种智能 化、可靠性高的列车溜逸检测系统势在必行。69962


    (一)介绍了列车列车溜逸智能在线监测系统的研究现状。系统中采用的一 些关键技术比如 GPRS,GPS,Zigbee,关于滑动判断的算法的说明。

    (二)通过无线通讯技术,定位技术,传感技术,给出较为严谨的系统设计 方案。

    (三)选取系统中的网关节点,参考节点,盲节点,以 CC2430\CC2431 为基 础,进行硬件电路设计。

    (四)给出智能止轮器的软件流程图,介绍管理中心软件,以及客户端的可 视化。

    该论文有图 19 幅,表 4 个,参考文献 20 篇。 关键词:列车防溜 GPRS GPS Zigbee 定位

    Design of Intelligent Dection System of Train anti-slip

    Abstract This article is designed runaway train intelligent detection system to prevent train marshalling yard in the parking lot and field hump because the train wheels loose or vandalism caused by the slide occurred while the train stop.

    Train in the parking lot when the slide occurred, if the runaway train to other railway lines, it will happen very serious railway accidents. This can damage the national railway property, seriously affect the efficiency of rail transport, are more likely to be life-threatening safety of railway workers. Furthermore, the traditional railway anti-slip measures are basically oriented to manual inspection, which will cost a lot of manpower and resources, timeliness and reliability have very serious flaws. Therefore, the invention is an intelligent, high reliability, practicability runaway train intelligent detection system is imperative.

    This paper mainly completed the following work:

    (1) describes the research status of train runaway train intelligent online monitoring system. As well as some of the key technologies used in the system, such as GPRS, GPS, Zigbee, and description of the sliding judgment algorithm.

    (2) through wireless communication technology, positioning technology, sensor technology, given a more rigorous system design.

    (3) select a gateway node system, the reference node, the blind node hardware circuit analysis to CC2430 \ CC2431 is based on research as the hardware support. GPS module and describes the data format and communication settings.

    (4) the software flow chart are given intelligent wheel stopper, introduces the center management software, and client visualization.

    Keywords: Train Anti-slip GPRS GPS Zigbee Positioning



    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 V

  1. 上一篇:PLC轨道交通电力监控系统设计
  2. 下一篇:高速铁路GSM-R越区切换研究
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