    abstract The paper gives an overview of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system modeling and
    simulation. The categorization of tools for HVAC system design and analysis with respect to which problems
    they are meant to deal with is introduced. Each categorization is explained and example tools are given.
    Further, the paper summarizes current approaches used for modeling (i) HVAC components, (ii) HVAC
    control and (iii) HVAC systems in general. After giving an overview of solution techniques for HVAC system
    simulation, the paper provides suggestions on how one should select an HVAC modeling approach relative to
    the simulation objective at hand. 10077
    © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Contents
    1. Introduction ........................
    2. Tools for HVAC system design and analysis ..........
    3. Modeling approaches ....................
    3.1. Modeling approaches for HVAC components ......
    3.2. Modeling approaches for HVAC control ........
    3.3. Modeling approaches for HVAC systems ........
    3.4. Solution techniques for HVAC system simulation models
    4. Integration of building and HVAC system models .......
    5. Issues in selecting HVAC modeling approach .........
    6. Conclusion .........................
    References ............................
    1. Introduction
    Forty-year long development of building performance simulation
    (BPS) tools resulted in a wide range of currently available products
    [1,2]. These products range (complexity-wise) from spread-sheet
    tools to more advanced special-purpose simulation tools, and
    (integration-wise) from tools that handle a single aspect of the
    building design, to tools that integratemultiple aspects of the building
    design [3].
    A brief historical overviewBPS tools is given in [4]. First generation of
    BPS tools is based on simplified methods found in handbooks
    (calculations based on analytical formulations that embody many sim-
    plifying assumptions). Second generation tools are based on methods
    that assume simplified (still analytical) modeling of dynamics in
    buildings. Third generation tools use numerical methods and providepartial integration of different performance aspects of buildings, e.g.
    thermal energy, visual, and acoustical. The current fourth generation
    tools tend to be fully integrated with respect to different building
    performance aspects, with new developments concerned with intelli-
    gent knowledge-based user interfaces, application quality control and
    user training. The current tools can capture reality much better than
    earlier tools, but are more complex to use.
    The number of currently available BPS tools, persity of aspects
    taken into account in those tools and modeling approaches used by
    those toolsmakeswriting a general overviewof the field a difficult task.
    Thus, this paper is restricted to an overviewofmodeling and simulation
    developments in one of the more important subsystems in buildings:
    heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems.
    2. Tools for HVAC system design and analysis
    Tools for HVAC design and analysis can be categorized with respect
    to the problems they are meant to deal with. Although these problems
    are notmutually exclusive, and some tools can handle several problems,they do tend to be investigated in isolation from each other. The
    categories are as follows.
    Tools for pipe/duct sizing are systemdesign tools that consider flow
    distribution and sizing of liquid/air distribution system (AFT Fathom,
    DOLPHIN, Duct Calculator, DUCTSIZE, Pipe-Flo, PYTHON, etc.).
    Tools for equipment sizing and selection offer HVAC equipment
    sizing (Carrier HAP, Trane TRACE 700, EnergyPlus, etc.). Most sizing
    tools are based on standard procedures and algorithms established by
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