
    simply specifying look-up tables. The former modeling approach is
    usually used for secondary system component descriptions, while for
    primary system components, due to their complexity, the latter
    approaches are more often used, but exceptions exist [29].
    3.2. Modeling approaches for HVAC control
    HVAC controllers can be pided into two categories as follows.
    Local controllers are low-level controllers that allow HVAC systems
    to operate properly and to provide adequate services. Local controllers
    can be further subpided into two groups [30]:
    • Sequencing controllers define the order and conditions associated
    with switching equipment ON and OFF. Typical sequencing controllers
    in HVAC systems are chiller sequencing controller, cooling tower
    sequencing controller, pump sequencing controller, fan sequencing
    controller, etc.
    • Process controllers adjust the control variables to meet the
    required set point in spite of disturbances and considering the system
    dynamic characteristics. The typical process controllers used in the
    HVAC field are P, PI, PID, ON/OFF, step controller, etc.
    Supervisory controllers are high level controllers that allow
    complete consideration of the system level characteristics and
    interactions among all components and their associated variables.
    For example, a supervisory controller sets operation modes and sets
    points for local controllers.
    From a modeling point of view, controllers are represented by
    equations that must be satisfied in every simulation step. The
    controllers direct the interaction between building and system as
    well as interactions between components within the system.
    In reality, the closed-loop local-process control includes a sensor
    that samples a real-world (measurable) variable. The controller, based
    on the set point value and measured value, and according to the
    controller-specific control algorithm, calculates the control signal that
    feeds the real-world actuator. However, in the simulation tool the
    user can address variables that cannot be sensed or actuated in reality,
    as well as apply control algorithms that do not exist in reality. For
    example, a modeler can directly actuate the heat flux in a model
    where in reality this could only be done indirectly by changing a
    valve/damper position.
    Furthermore, due to the accessibility ofmany variables not directly
    known in the real world, such as the zone cooling/heating load, in
    simulation the concept of “ideal” (local process) control becomes
    feasible. An “ideal” local-process controller means that the actuated
    variable will be adjusted to satisfy the set point requirements for the
    controlled variable, without specifying the explicit control algorithm
    and by numerically inverting the (forward) simulation models (from
    the required output calculate the input needed to satisfy this).
    Possibilities to simulate different (advanced) controllers in state-
    of-the-art BPS tools are limited. Some tools offer pre-defined control
    strategies (system-based simulation tools), some offer flexibility in
    specifying only supervisory controllers (EnergyPlus) and some even
    in specifying local controllers (TRNSYS, ESP-r). The domain-indepen-
    dent environments, such as MATLAB and Dymola, are efficient tools
    for designing and testing of controllers in a simulation setting, but lack
    the models of all other physical phenomena in buildings.
    3.3. Modeling approaches for HVAC systems
    Hensen [31] defines four categories of HVAC system representa-
    tion in BPS tools, ranging from purely conceptual towards more
    explicit, as follows.
    Pure conceptual system modeling approach represents the case
    where only room processes are considered, while all other processes
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