
    e.g. American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
    Engineers (ASHRAE), but many are proprietary software products
    distributed or sold by equipmentmanufacturers [5]. Digital catalogues
    that are provided by equipmentmanufacturers can be used to locate a
    suitable component model for the given design criteria. They can be
    further linked to the equipment sizing tools, e.g. Carrier's HAP tool can
    be linked to their chiller selection tool by importing performance data
    for the actual chiller.
    Tools for energy performance analysis are designed to predict the
    annual energy consumption of an HVAC system. Based on a system of
    equations that define thermal performance of buildings and sys-
    tems, and with given boundary conditions, operation strategy and
    controls, these tools perform (hourly or sub-hourly) simulations
    (Carrier HAP, Trane TRACE 700, DOE-2, eQUEST, EnergyPlus, ESP-r,
    IDA ICE, TRNSYS, HVACSIM+, VA114, SIMBAD, etc.). These tools are
    typically used to calculate and analyze the full- and part-load perfor-
    mances, to analyze system operation strategy, to compare different
    design alternatives, etc. [6–9].
    Tools for system optimization are used in conjunction with tools for
    energy performance analysis. In multiple simulation runs, a set of
    parameters is optimized according to a given objective function. An
    example is the generic optimization tool GenOpt [10].
    Toolsforcontrolanalysisandcontroloptimization (see also
    Section 3.2). The level of HVAC system control modeling and simu-
    lation in the available tools varies:
    • Controllers can be associated with high abstraction system models,
    such as in ESP-r.
    • Controllers can be represented explicitly either
    - as models of supervisory control, such as in EnergyPlus, or
    - as simple models of local control, such as in ESP-r and TRNSYS.
    • More advanced representation of controllers, such as fuzzy logic, are
    available in e.g. MATLAB based tools (SIMBAD), Dymola and tools
    coupled to MATLAB (ESP-r [11], TRNSYS [12]). These tools are
    efficient for design andmore comprehensive testing of controllers in
    a simulation setting [13], as well as for testing and validation of
    controller design in real time [14].
    Simulation tools for real-time performance optimization. Benefits of
    using simulation tools in the building operational stage are still
    insufficiently explored. Simulation tools could be used for:
    • Commissioning diagnostics (initial commissioning): i.e. to verify the
    performance of the whole building, its subsystems and components
    • Monitoring diagnostics (continuous commissioning) and fault
    detection diagnostics: i.e. to detect, analyze, locate and/or predict
    problems with systems and equipment occurring during everyday
    operation [16–19];
    • Emulating a building and its HVAC systems: i.e. simulating the
    response of a building and its HVAC systems to building energy
    management system (BEMS) commands. Emulators can also be
    used for control product development, training of BEMS operators,
    tuning of control equipment and imitating fault situations to see
    how the BEMS would cope [20];
    • Simulation assisted control: i.e. to execute a simulation model
    (encapsulated within the BEMS) as part of the control task in order
    to evaluate several possible control scenarios and make a choice in
    terms of some relevant criteria [20].
    The system simulation models that belong to this category are
    expected to predict system performance accurately. Thus, they need
    to be able to treat the departures fromideal behavior that occur in real
    systems and to realistically model controls and HVAC system
    dynamics. The tools for energy performance analysis can be used as
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