        在系统研发前,钻研了Android系统少许开源社区中的成功案例,这为本次开发设计提供了很好的启发。客户端整体利用JAVA、Eclipse、Android SDK、SQL等作为开发的工具和开发的环境,设计并实现手机银行客户端程序及其部分服务端模块功能。
    Android-based mobile banking development
    This paper first introduces the development background and trend analysis, the advantages of mobile banking for a mobile banking technique methods and the characteristics of the Android platform and development plan for the planning.
    After a thorough investigation, combined with the actual needs, recommend the mobile banking client account management system main development design, remittances account transfer, personal loans, self-service four function modules, the paper introduces the android mobile phone bank client the stages of system development environment, contains the demand analysis, overall planning, construction design, part of the function module, database design, and the distinction between in the final stages of user interface design, the problems and difficulties in the development of parsing.
    In front of the system development, delving into the Android system a few successful cases of the open source community, this design provides a good inspiration for the development. Client overall use of JAVA, Eclipse, Android SDK, SQL, etc as development tools and development environment, designing and implementing mobile phone bank client and server module function.
    Finally, the paper on the research and development of mobile phone bank client was tested, it is concluded that the results reflected the software in this paper is to carry on Android smartphone devices such as stable and efficient operation, confirmed the design scheme is feasible.
    摘要    1
    ABSTRACT    2
    1、    绪论    4
    1.1    国内外研究现状与水平    5
    1.2    发展趋势与开发目的    6
    1.3    研究背景与意义    6
    1.4    手机银行内涵与优势    7
    2    、分析    11
    2.1    移动互联网    11
    2.2    移动设备操作系统    11
    2.3    ANDROID操作系统及其特性    11
    2.4    ANDROID开发环境与工具    13
    2.5    数据库中的表与代码    13
    3    、移动银行客户端系统的总设计    16
    3.1    需求分析的目标和策划    16
    3.2    应用程序的设计思想及难点    16
    3.3    功能模块的设计    17
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