    摘要1991年,纽马克对其之前提出的语义翻译与交际翻译进行了重新审视,最终于1994年提出了一个新的翻译概念——关联翻译法。随着中国的国际化程度越来越高,位于学术教育领域前沿的高校势必成为关注点,其译名也接受着众人的审视。但中国高校名称英译的混乱现象由来已久,始终未得到有效的解决。本文旨在探讨中国高校名称英译过程中出现的问题,着重讨论“university”, “college”, “institute”的使用状况,并提出相应对策,以期使译文读者在看到高校英译名称时能得到对等信息,对高校属性有正确的理解。19929
    关键词  关联翻译法   中国高校名称   文本类型
    Title A Correlative Approach to the Translated Names of China’s Higher Education Institutions
    In 1991, Peter Newmark carries out the re-assessment of communicative translation and semantic translation that he has proposed before. Finally, he proposes the new theory—a correlative approach to translation in 1994. Since China has become more and more international, the China’s higher education institutions have been emphasized. Thus, their translated names are under scrutiny. However, the English names of these institutions are in a chaotic phenomenon for a long time, and this problem has not been solved effectively and efficiently until now. This thesis discusses the translated names of China’s higher education institutions, focusing on the translations of “university”, “college”, and “institute”, and some solutions will come up in order that the readers would get equivalent information and comprehend the type of the institutions correctly when they read the translated names.
    Keywords   a correlative approach to translation   names of China’s higher education institutions   text categories
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction    1
    1.1  Research Background    1
    1.2  Significance of the Research    1
    2  A Correlative Approach to Translation    3
    2.1  Origin of Peter Newmark’s Correlative Approach to Translation    3
    2.2  Three Text-Categories    4
    2.3  A Correlative Approach to Translation    7
    3  Translation Analyses of Translated Names of China’s Higher Education Institutions    13
    3.1  “University”    13
    3.2  “College”    16
    3.3  “Institute”    17
    Conclusion    18
    Acknowledgements    20
    Bibliography    21
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    Since China has become more and more international in recent years, the China’s higher education institutions have been emphasized. Thus, the translations of their names are under scrutiny. However, the English names of these institutions are in a chaotic phenomenon for a long time, and this problem has not been solved effectively and efficiently until now. At the same time, few predecessors’ research has studied from a view angle of translation theory.
    This paper discusses the translations of the names of China’s higher education institutions. Some representative English names of these institutions will be chosen for careful analysis. Through investigating their histories and research directions—science, technology, arts and so on, some solutions will come up from the perspective of Newmark’s correlative approach to translation.
    What’s more, Peter Newmark (1991) carries out the re-assessment of communicative translation and semantic translation that he proposes before. Finally, he proposes the theory--correlative approach to translation. Because this translation theory is based on a large amount of translation practice and teaching practice, it has a significant impact on translation circles. However, almost all of the papers focus on Peter Newmark’s communicative translation and semantic translation, and these two translation theories are sublimated by Newmark himself later.
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