关键词 高低语境 武士道 融合
Title On the Effects of Context on Japanese and English from the Movie “The Last Samurai”
Context, as a concept of linguistics, was first established in 1895 by German linguist Wegner. Lustig and other scholars has pided context into high-context culture and low-context culture . The United States, Germany and other countries (using the inflecting language) are known as low-context culture , and China, Japan, South Korea (using Agglutinative language ) are typical representative of high-context culture. The concept of context includes many factors: the objective emotion, dynamic surroundings, background knowledge etc. The movie "the last samurai" tells about an American soldier who fell in love with Japanese bushido culture and finally on behalf of the declined samurai spirit fought against the modern army. The story can trace back to 1866 to 1867 when it is the high time of Meiji restoration. Government issued “Haito Edict” which abolished samurai’s privilege and the “War between west and south” broke out. Algren’s experience can well represent features of different context. The lines in the movie are all English and Japanese. This essay will do some research on high and low context from the movie, and aims at finding out their relationships and doing good to promoting communication and the respect of each other.
Keywords high/low-context culture bushido mixture
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Definition of Context 1
1.2 Theoretical Research of High Context and Low-Context Culture 1
1.3 About the Movie 3
2 Literature Review and Their Limitations 4
3 Research Methods of Study 6
4 Design of the Questionnaire 6
5 Case Study on basis of the Questionnaire….7
5.1 Preference for Language in Different Context 7
5.2 Different Ability of Expression in HC and LC 8
5.3 Harder Understanding of HC Language 10
5.4 Difference in Memory 12
5.5 Practical Significance 14
- 上一篇:《唐顿庄园》字幕翻译和译制片翻译策略和接受度比较
- 下一篇:雌雄同体《奥兰多》中时代精神的体现