    Onomatopoeia is an important way of word-formation and rhetorical device; it refers to use the sound to reflect the sense. If people can use onomatopoeia adequately, this can enhance the intuitiveness, figurativeness and vividness of language. This paper aims at comparing the differences and similarities between English and Chinese onomatopoeias from aspects of origin, structure, usage and grammatical function, focuses on expounding the translation skills of English and Chinese onomatopoeia, including literal method, convertible method, additive and omissive method, abstract method, innovative method and multi-word translation method; in order to improve the translation level of translators and realize the translation between English and Chinese language accurately.
    Key words: English and Chinese onomatopoeia; comparison; translation
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review of Onomatopoeia    2
    2.1 The Definition of Onomatopoeia    2
    2.2 The Classification of Onomatopoeia    2
    2.3 The Characteristics of Onomatopoeia    3
    III. The Comparison Between English and Chinese Onomatopoeia    4
    3.1 Comparison in Origin    4
    3.2 Comparison in Structure    5
    3.3 Comparison in Usage    6
    3.4 Comparison in Grammatical Function    7
    VI. The Translation Skills of English and Chinese Onomatopoeia    8
    4.1 Literal Method    8
    4.2 Convertible Method    9
    4.3 Additive and Omissive Method    10
    4.4 Abstract Method    11
    4.5 Innovative Method    11
    4.6 Multi-Word Translation    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    A Comparative Study of Onomatopoeia Between English and Chinese and Their Translation

    I. Introduction
    With the development of economic globalization, interpersonal communication is becoming more and more closely. Language as a means of communication is also becoming more and more important in development. When it refers to language and its development, linguists at home and abroad must mention a special and an important vocabulary called onomatopoeia. Indeed, onomatopoeia plays a decisive role in the development history of human language. It also makes up a significant portion in the fields of daily interaction and occupies a considerable proportion in literary language. On one hand, onomatopoeia promotes mutual communication of human. On the other hand, the use of onomatopoeia creates a cultural instrument of expressing emotions in social interaction of people. Therefore, the study of onomatopoeia is of importance.
    This paper consists five chapters to study the onomatopoeia. The first chapter explains the objectives, significance and layout of this paper. Chapter two offers the definition of onomatopoeia and the classification, characteristics of onomatopoeia. The third chapter deals with the comparison on Chinese and English onomatopoeia, it includes the similarities and the difference. The fourth chapter is the core part of this paper, it focus on the translation of English and Chinese onomatopoeia and put forward to the skill of translation about onomatopoeia, including literal method, convertible method, additive and omissive method, abstract method and so on. Chapter five is the concluding part, in which are presented the conclusion of the paper and suggestion.
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