
    Abstract This paper tests the vocabulary breadth knowledge and the vocabulary depth knowledge of the English learners under the vocabulary knowledge framework of Nation and three lexical hypothesis theory of Henriksen. Importantly, this paper studies how the vocabulary breadth knowledge and the vocabulary depth knowledge play the role in the English reading comprehension. Study results also showed that the vocabulary breadth knowledge in the four forms of positive memories form have the strongest predictive power of reading and vocabulary depth knowledge in lexical meaning better than matching to predict the learner's reading abilities.69333

    Keywords:Vocabulary breadth knowledge;      Vocabulary depth knowledge;      Reading comprehension


    毕业论文关键词:词汇广度知识;     词汇深度知识;     阅读理解





    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review...1

        2.1 Literature Review.....1

        2.2 Definition of breadth and depth of vocabulary........3

        2.3 Breadth measurement and depth evaluation of vocabulary......4

    2.3.1 Breadth measurement of vocabulary.......4

    2.3.2 Depth evaluation of vocabulary......5

    3. Methodology..............6

    3.1 Research questions...........6

    3.2 Research subjects.........7

    3.3 Tests............. 8

    3.3.1 Vocabulary breadth knowledge test.................8

    3.3.2 Vocabulary depth knowledge test................8

    3.3.3 Reading comprehension test................9

    3.3.4 Testing process........9

    4. Results and Discussion.........10

    5. Conclusion............13


    Effects of Vocabulary Knowledge of Senior High Students on Their Reading Comprehension

    1. Introduction

    Vocabulary is the cornerstone. In recent years, theory and empirical research on the second language vocabulary has become a new trend of vocabulary study. Apart from the vocabulary (the vocabulary breadth knowledge), researchers have been trying to more deeply explore and measure vocabulary knowledge on multiple dimensions, such as the vocabulary breadth knowledge and vocabulary depth knowledge.论文网

    Meanwhile, the researchers have studied the relationships between the dimensions of vocabulary knowledge and comprehensive language abilities or inpidual skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. For learners of English as a second language, there is no doubt that vocabulary knowledge plays an important role in the English reading. The essential relationship between the vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension ability has no conclusion because of the confines of the development of vocabulary knowledge and testing tools and other factors.

    2. Literature Review

    2.1 Literature Review

    In the “English vocabulary and listening, reading, writing”, there are both theoretical research of the vocabulary in China's foreign language teaching field and diachronic investigation on the vocabulary mastering process of the students in the university.

    Some learners showed that to master the vocabulary is the key task in the second language vocabulary mastering process. And, there is not a language skill that can be separated from the dependence on vocabulary including listening, speaking and writing.

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