    摘 要初中英语教师的教学素质直接影响着初中英语教育的整体质量和初中学生英语水平的提高。英语教师的专业素质是决定新一轮基础教育课程改革成败的关键因素。本论文以周口市初中英语教师为主体,采用问卷调查,访谈的方法,所得数据采用百分比计算方法进行处理,对周口市初中英语教师的教学素质现状进行了调查,发现大部分的英语教师有相关教育理论知识,但是很少有老师能够将其应用到课堂实践中,教学严重依赖参考书,很少全英授课,课外也很少关注自身英语专业素质的发展,针对这些问题,该论文对教师发展做出探究,提出了构建形成性教师评价体系等建议。毕业论文关键词:初中英语教师;教学素质;教师发展21718
    Abstract  Teaching quality of English teachers in junior middle school directly affects the whole education quality and the enhancement of students’ English proficiency. Therefore, junior middle school English teachers’ professional development is key to the new round of education curriculum reform launched in China. A survey is made about teaching quality of English teachers at junior middle school in Zhoukou through questionnaire and interview. The method of percentage calculation is adopted in the process of obtaining data. According to the investigation, many English teachers have a knowledge of education theory, but few teachers can put theory into practice. They rely on textbooks and references books too much in their teaching, and few of them give full English instruction in class, and besides, they do not pay much attention to their professional development. Then some suggestions are put forward to explore the teacher development, for example, the establishment of formative teacher assessment systems.

    Key words: junior middle school English teachers; teaching quality; teacher                development
    An Investigation on Teaching Quality of English Teachers in Junior Middle School and Exploration of Teacher Development
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review    2
     2.1 Historical Survey of Second Language Teacher Education    2
     2.2 Theoretical Bases    4
    III. Methodology    7
     3.1 Subjects    7
     3.2 Instruments    7
    IV. Findings and Proposals    8
     4.1 The Current State of English Teachers’ Teaching Quality     8
      4.1.1 Education Background and Teaching Knowledge of English Teachers    8
      4.1.2 The Present Situation of English Teaching in Junior Middle School    14
      4.1.3Working Pressure of English Teachers    15
     4.2 Proposals for the Professional Development of English Teachers    16
      4.2.1 Establish Formative Teacher Assessment Systems    16
      4.2.2 Self-awareness for Teachers’ Professional Development    16
      4.2.3 Action and Development    18
    V. Conclusion    18
    Bibliography    20
    Acknowledgments    21
    Appendix    22
    I. Introduction
     Teaching quality of English teachers in junior middle school directly affects the whole education quality and the enhancement of students’ English proficiency. English teachers of junior middle school take responsibility for improving English teaching quality, which is the mission of junior middle school English teachers in the new century, and it urges them to promote their professional development. Therefore, junior middle school English teachers’ professional development is key to the new round of education curriculum reform launched in China.
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