    Acknowledgments It has been lasting for over six months from the time of my initial writing of this thesis to the moment of its tentative fulfillment. During the process, I have indulged myself in the joy originating from the reading and research of the work itself as well as a variety of relevant materials. 21798
    My profound gratitude firstly goes to Prof. Huai Peixin, with whom I have been having the continual discussion to further my understanding of the work, and from whom I am able to obtain many parts of the reference materials. Here, I must extend my thankfulness to her assistance as a teacher and a friend for her abundant guidance on and assistance in constructing the overall frame of this thesis and also the details on the theory, without which I would find it hard to touch the core of the masterpiece. Thank you for giving me a sea of suggestions and revising my paper. Also, I shall extend my gratitude to the teachers during my four-year study in the college, from whom I have acquired the basic knowledge of my major, which is attributable to the completion of this thesis. The reference materials and research offered by remarkable scholarships indeed play an essential role in seeking inspiration and thus fulfilling the paper. Finally, many thanks shall as well go to my friends and family for their significant support to allow me to hold on until the completion of the paper.
    Robinson Crusoe, a novel written by Defoe, is a classic masterpiece going on. The writer employs the first person point of view, namely in the form of autobiography, to describe Robinson, the leading character, who gives up his comfortable and cozy family life and sails out on the ocean for the purpose of wealth and dream. He is the only one who survived among all the crew, drifting to a deserted island after a ship wreck which causes numerous difficulties and dangers. On the island, with striking perseverance, tough willpower and diligence, he has conquered the nature via dedication, and overcome all the obstacles via wits so as to become the master of the island while regaining hope for life. After 28 years of “hard trip”, he gets out of the island through his intelligence and lucky chance, returning to his hometown with a great fortune.
    This thesis is mainly aimed at the discussion of the core spirit of Britain hidden in humanity in the  period time of 16th and 17th centuries, namely, rich in spirit of adventure, in pursuit of mercantilism as well as independence and cautiousness, and deep rooted in religious belief, seen from the abundant and adventurous experience of Robinson as well as the discourse of the collective molding of the nationality of the contemporary British in 16 and 17 centuries, with influences exerting up till now.
    Key Words: spirit of adventure, mercantilism, religious belief
    摘 要
    关键词: 冒险精神,重商主义,信仰

    1 Introduction.1
    1.1 The Significance of Robinson Crusoe...1
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