关键词 信息焦点 日常话语理解 语用 实证研究
Title Exploring the impact of different information focuses on the understanding of everyday discourse
Pragmatics as an emerging independent discipline in the 1970s studying specific scenario-specific discourse. Namely, it studies how to understand and use language in different communicative environment. Information focuses, characters reflected in the language utilization, refers to changes in the level of discourse and other tones suprasegmental features such as stress and pause, which play a key role in the interpretation and understanding of an everyday discourse. The influence is mainly embodied in different aspects, including attitudes expression, the creation of communicative context. Information focus is reflected in the use of language features, while the study of pragmatics studies the utilization of language, which is to say that this two disciplines shares the same target in the nature. Therefore, it is feasible and necessary to integrate the two aspects. This paper made detailed classification of different focus information and carried out tests to strive for sufficient experimental data, so that it can explore how different information focuses have impact on understanding of everyday discourse.
Keywords information focuses the understanding of everyday discourse pragmatics empirical study
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Aim..... 2
2 Literature Review 3
3 Research Design 5
3.1 Overall Design 5
3.2 Experiment Procedure 6
4 Result Discussion 7
5 The Impact of Information Focuses 11
Conclusion 14
Acknowledgements 16
Bibliography 17
Appendix 18
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Pragmatics as an emerging independent discipline in the 1970s, is a study of specific scenario-specific discourse. Namely, it studies how to understand and use language in different communicative environment. Pragmatics is the branch subject of linguistics, which take the significance of language as the object of study and is dedicated to research language understanding and usage. Pragmatics for its own purposes and values differs from syntax, and it is the study of human language itself. In the use of human language, the speaker is often not simply to express the static and symbolic significance of the units. Usually the listener has to identify he actual intent of the speaker through a series of psychological inference. To truly understand appropriate use of a language, it is not enough to just know grammar of the language.
So far, although linguists of pragmatics have still been no uniform definition and scope, there is a consensus that "context is one of the core concepts of pragmatics.” Pragmatics is specialized the importance of context in the communication process of the new discipline. Normal verbal communication cannot do without specific context, which is included intercourse occasions (time, location, etc.), communicative nature (topic), communicative participants (the relationship between them, the objective world knowledge and beliefs, past experiences, the mood, etc.), and context. Context directly influences people's understanding and use of words. In other words, to determine whether certain specific speech acts are appropriate is based on the context and it must be distorted or meaningless to make judgments without context.
- 上一篇:论《鲁滨逊漂流记》近代英国民族性的塑造
- 下一篇:从关联翻译理论研究商标翻译与其意象的对应性