    One of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. I hereby would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following people for their selfless dedication and contribution to my thesis.

    My profound gratitude first goes to the teachers who have helped me with this paper. Among them I especially want to thank Ms. Liyan, my supervisor, who has generously shared her inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face discussion sessions. I will never forget the precious time she has spent for me.

    Another Person I would like to thank is my friend Chen Xuejuan for helping me find all the necessary research materials. I would never forgot the time we spent in the libraries and the book stores. I also appreciate the time she has spent to help me getting my ideas into shape.

    Last but not least, I would like to appreciate my dear mother. Whenever I want to give up, she always encouraged me to continue. She helped me to find balance between my internship and this paper. Without her encouragement, I cannot finish the paper within the required time.
    Public speaking as an efficient way of expressing one’s idea is playing a gradually important role in our daily life. A typical person who has benefited a lot from making excellent speeches is Obama, the American President. The success of Obama aroused the phenomenon called "say it like Obama". English learners treat Obama’s speeches as authentic examples for their English learning. Hundreds of books has been published to analyze the speaking techniques used by Obama. However, little attention has been paid to the pragmatic strategies in these speeches. This paper tried to analyze the speeches from this creative perspective and hope to act as a guide to future study.

    The paper falls into three parts. The first part serves as an introduction of both Obama and his speeches. The second part, which is also the main part of this paper, aims at analyzing the pragmatic strategies applied in Obama’s speeches. The last but not least part functions as a conclusion.

    After study, the pragmatic strategy of using personal pronoun, the strategy of proper redundancy and the strategy of using special sentence patterns were respectively analyzed. This will help the readers have a better understanding of both Obama’s speeches and the pragmatic principles.
    Key Words: pragmatic strategy, Obama , speech摘要
    公共演讲作为传播思想的有效方式在我们生活中扮演着重要的角色。奥巴马就是通过演讲获得成功的典型代表。他的成功引发了学习奥巴马式英语的热潮。然而在众多研究奥巴马演讲的作品中,很少有人选择从语用学的角度来研究。 本文希望通过尝试从这个角度研究奥巴马演讲,来为今后的研究提供一个新的方向。4787

    摘要.    iii
    1 Introduction..1
    2 The Strategy of Using Personal Pronoun5
    2.1 The Use of  "I"..5
    2.2 The Use of  "We"..7
    2.3 The Use of  "You"..9
    2.4 Discussion10    
    3 The Strategy of Proper Redundancy12
    3.1 Parallelism.    12
    3.2 Repetition.13
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